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Everything posted by Valid
Yes I think that is whats happening, but it only happens in this one spot, before the dialuage is over, after tat you can get into a tank and wipe out you intire team, and he wont attack you. And I have gotten the marines to attack me later in the level while spark is close by, and he doesn't attack then either. Maybe he is only considered allied to the marines at that part of the level for some reason
Oh sorry, I thought it was gonna have a bunch of water or something. Played it, looks awsome. And just a quik question, do the mancannons (that shoot to the sides) on the base have a changed animation due to the mancannon animation bieng placed on the map? It looks different for some reason, like less blue? Edit: hmmm i guess it doesn't look that different, I just never noticed that the main mancannon is more blue shootye then the over one.
looks awsome, but why is it called river world? It was kind a hard to tell from the video. I guess i'll just play and find out.
Some people have probobly already done this before, but i thought it was pretty cool so... Ok its really easy to do, just start up the level the Ark on rally point alpha Then BEFORE the people get done talking and the music starts in the level, kill 2 marines, either with quik headshots, or destroying one of the tanks. This will cuase spark to attack you with his laser, i havent ever been able to get him to do this anywhere else. Spark usually kills you in one hit, so I havent been able to fight him for long. SCREEN SHOT: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=34948673
Thanks, and i did add you actually when you took over as leader of the glitching team.
Does that isolation map have the flood on it!!! I can't wait to play them!!
whats a clay grenade? Sounds cool, but its kinda confusing to me.
looks confusing, but very cool!
this was on sligstorms file share to http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=24370481 is this a new mod it looks strange
post the funniest things youve heard people say in halo 3. Please tell if it was using the IWIWYD(or whatever) skull or not. Mine: today while playing on the ark a grunt told me to "suck it demon!" That was funny, and strange!
bump, y no one looking at this its really cool!
Since they don't need there own posts ill group my theater glitches in theis post, and ill add a few more later. People can put any theater glitche they found in this topic to i dont care. Mirrors when you die on the Ark: This one is really easy and only takes like a minute 1. start a game with two people on the ark checkpoint bravo 2. keep going until you get to the room with the plasma batteries and lots of grunts. 3. go to the last checkpoint 4. leave one person there while the other person keeps going 5. got to right before that same room 6. have the person at the begging kill them selves 7. then immediatly have the other person go into the romm and jump to the floor 8 when the other person respaws go into theater mode and watch there screen when they die it will get al glitchy, switch back and forth between players and you will see lots of mirrors screenshot: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=34666828 (the blue is checkerbooarded with red and mirrors in theater mode) On top of enclosed level on floodgate 1. play the level floodgate at checkpoint alpha until getting here: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=34671301 2. then exit and go into theater mode 3. when reaching that point in theater mode go into pancam 4. get outside the level in theater mode like how you would as a person in the game until you can fly really high like this: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=34672459 5. then fly over the top of the structure you just came from in the game 6. you will be teleported to outside the map of only this structure like so: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=34672771 7. you can even look and see the people fighting in there: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=34672868 Way out of the ark really easily in theater This glitch is simple, just start the level the ark, then after you land quit. Then go into theater and while flying in the pelican puase and go into pancam Your done, now you can get awsome vies like these: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=34677119 (those are the pelicans in the backround) http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=34677431 if you have a glitch that involves theater mode you can post it in here, i might add some later
On the level The Ark you retrieve the cartographer, and thyen go meet the pelican on the level below. This glitch allows you to jump down to the level below, and stay alive! 1. start the ark at the bravo checkpoint 2. work your way to the part of the level where you activate the cartographer 3. MAKE SURE TO FIND A DEPLOYABLE COVER ON THE BRUTES AS YoU GO THROUGH THIS PART OF THE LEVEL 4. THEN activate the cartographer 5. have one player jump on the ledge on the side like so: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=34665903 6. then have them fall onto this ledge(the glass structures on the bottom level): http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=34666029 7. to stay alive THEY MUST continue to jump in place 8. then they look at the ground WHILE JUMPING, nd when in the air use the deployable cover 9. you can stando on it and you wont die!! SCREEN SHOT: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=34651496 Found by: ValidAcesniper
turrent like the stationary gun. north facing the large building, east facing the wall with the pipe heres a pic: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=34664901 the turrent should go near the corner like in the picture
Getting out of ghost town using a turrent to shoot you out of the level. THIS IS NOT!!!! JUST THE TURRENT GLITCH TO GET BEHIND BARRIERS!!! To do this glitch you must: NOTE: north wall facing large building, east wall facing wall with pipes: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=34664901 1. get to the place outside the map with a broken down shelter and roof (this is usually the first out of map glitch people find on ghost town) 2. get to the roof part of the structure 3. put a turrent at a slight angle (facing the north wall) close to the barrier next to the outside wall (east wall) of ghost town 4. get on the turrnet and look slightly at the oppiste angle that the turrent is facing. 5. then turn into moniter mode 6. if you have done it correctly the moniter should be right up nxt to the turrent and the screen should be shaking/bouncing 7. then turn into person mode and you should be shot onto the top of the map 8. quikly turn into moniter mode and fly back near the turrent or else you will slide off 9. you can put a tele up here now 10. To get even farther outside the map when in moniter map ontop of the map fly behind the pipes on the east wall and you should fall down 11. then quikly fly onto the white colored strip of land(you wont die there) 12. you can also make a tele here!! PIC OUT OF MAP: http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=30476426 1 MIN VIDEO SHOWING THE GLITCH: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=34639349 Found by: ValidAcesniper
that link does to work. Good now this post has all the mods and it tells what they have in them! Edit: I checked EVERY single link works!
947! WE WIN!!!!!!!!!!
ill try to join, i shouldn't be busy at 5:00
941! To BATTLE!
what, how do they all fit? thats is allot of elephants!
Did anyone notice that this is not the frigate mod from sligstorms video, that one had the frigate floating above the ground and you could get into the vehicle compartment
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