lol ok, i don't use lag glitches. You can get there from turret jump though too, but it probobly is harder then doing that. The maps sound cool, but i don't have my 360 at the moment, and when i do i might not have live, so i can't play them for a few days.
that place isn't exactly new... You can also get into some side areas from there. I would like to know how you did it though. Did you use the turrent bounce?
test quote lololol Continuin' the chain. I'd like to see this completed But we'd better come up with somethin' productive so this doesn't get locked. BTW, I move to classify any posts that aren't a series of nested quotes as SPAM. Any seconds? quote
Nice! I've seen this done before, but it looked impossibly hard to do the deployablecover part. I think in one video they even got on that pelican in the sky. Nice job actually being able to do it!
lol i <3 the red room on cortana, idk y, but it always makes me laugh. Or the way to get in the phantom on the ark cuase it was the first big glitch i every found by my self.
I have a short video on my fileshare, but i dont have a capture card. And i not sure if its really lag, you can do it offline, and it happens nearly EVERY time you put the person in the right spot.
lol, i have done stuff like that before its hillarius, but annoying when it happens, once a chopper spoke rolled into me after i blew it up and killed me.
lol, the first part looks like the ground is eating you. I wish it was a glitch that was pretty cool., do you think your body would have continued to fall if it was allowed to, it didn't look like there was much of a barrier there.
looks good so far, you are missing a few such as the Halo Wars mod: viewtopic.php?f=114&t=3432 And the ghost town test mod: viewtopic.php?f=51&t=3483 plus a few more, but im not sure if they are officialy supposed to be released. Also, and this may be a little to picky, but puting the maps in alphabetical order would be helpful you know so i don't have to scroll around to find where the avalanche mods are.
OH, that makes sense, i tried this before and it didn't work for me so i just forgot about it, but i don't think i ever put invinsibility on lol. I'll have to go retry this.
Dam, i wonder how Bungie will respond. I really don't think they will ban you guys, unless they seriusly plan to ban like thousands of people, and that would kill halo more then releasing a CON resigner. I bet they won't do anything unless someone else tries to do more modded things like that pic of the woman that just crosses the line, cuase the mods don't really hurt anything, and like others have said, Bungie employees have modded maps on there fileshare. WHY would they do that if they didn't want poeple to have mods? The whole point of a fileshare is to say "Hey you look at this cool map I have, you should come download it!" But idk Bungie should defenitly no matter what their stance is release some kind of clear guildlines of what banable or allowed and what isn't, instead of just rumors.
Ya in oblivion I have a charecter that uses the duplication and other cheats, and a charecter that doesn't cause the cheat can be fun to screw around with, but it makes the game boring, and if you really train a good charecter there isn't really a need to cheat.