This new news topic describes everything. Big details such as -New Controller Scheme -Whats not in the BETA -Explaining Invasion/Invasion Slayer -Pictures of Boneyard -Loadouts explained Things in the final game, but not in the beta. New controller controls.
This is one error code I know from experience. E74 is when the connection on the GPU is melting, and re-cooling and making a cold point thus not function. Throwing the E74. You can leave the xbox on for 2 hour shifts trying to remelt that solder connection back together, but thats only a temporary fix. You'll need to send it in for a real repair. I don't think it has anything to do with flash. Then again, I'm just a random guy who is trying to test out this Dark Knight skin.
* Create a 57x57 PNG. * Name it "apple-touch-icon.png" * Throw it in the root folder of your website. (Not the root of your server, the root of your web documents.) Thats how.
noobs forget leaks. Here is the file, get it before it gets taken down.
MD5: D805E328ACE02F479E8542BAFE0AE072