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Everything posted by DJG89

  1. DJG89

    Zanzibar Fun

    wow i havent played halo 2 mods for a while....thanks for inspiring me again i see why u did this..u were obviously bored (when i make my halo 2 mods) well....nice job later
  2. i give u props ambi0 people have tried flooding it but u were the 1st one 2 release it and everyone is happy that u did because it will give other modders ideas about making a mod like urs.....also on map: triangle lifts square lifts missile pod turrets and other stuff p.s. i liked this map so much that i promoted it on my file share and recomended 2 all of my friends
  3. you need 2 update this i have blackout with cell towers all over and some on sandtrap and 1 on guardian and some on construct and a bunch more so who ever is updating this u need 2 pay attention
  4. well i know for a fact that it isnt the bridge or the haloring_alpha....i think ur missing one on that list which might be the galaxy hologram
  5. he has no idea what he is talkin about most of those people on are on the wrong list.....you only have someone of those people on there because hes just saying he respects them to use them to get stuff out of them
  6. if you dont have enough testers ill help you GT : Devong32
  7. make it neon themed with halo 3 them combined into it
  8. theres other stuff you need to use to put it back on and resign you dumb a**
  9. thats f***ing hilarious.....that is definately bungie fav material....OMFG HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA
  10. your really good at making videos i would but i dont have the time to make videos and put it all together this one is one of my favorites nice
  11. this is also true all i want is for someone to resign my maps i only have four: rats nest: skulls, flags, assualt bombs, 3 pelicans, oracle clones, elite clones, spartan clones, rocket ammo, sniper amo, smg amo, BR ammo, pistol ammo, shotgun ammo, tank turrets, tank cannons, gauss turrets, needler ammo narrows: shade turrets, hornets, banshees, spartans, elites, oracles, needler ammo, rocket launcher ammo guardian: shade turrets, main halogram, elites, spartans, quadwings, skulls, assualt bombs, flags, needler ammo, fire shots at beginning, oracles blackout: cell towers, windsocks, lockers, rocket ammo, flags, needler ammo, rocket launcher ammo, spartans, elites, oracles
  12. you never know there are people who have resigners that are careless with it or are nice and resign stuff if u trade with them
  13. people really want host booters, gametype editors, and screenshot tool editors these days
  14. this one is also very good 5/5 NICE!!!!!!
  15. nice scenes in your video...it is the perfect song for those scenes add me on XBL......GT = Devong32
  16. message to all resigners or modders who can get stuff resigned i am willing to trade a host booter, gametype editor, and a screenshot tool editor which all work for a CON resigner or a bunch of resigns pm me if ur interested p.s. i REALLY want my mods resigned
  17. now that you said that it was leaked you should post a link to it and MFone released shades rehasher not resigner so people can mod but they have to be friends with the people with the resigners so yes im still looking for my maps to be resigned so if ur nice enough to reisgn for me send me a pm
  18. that sucks....i knew people who had it before it was leaked which they let me play on but i didnt ask for it because he told me it was a test which was kind of good for your 1st time modding the pit
  19. and if they had to change the hashes they would have to make a whole new disk and they cant ban the con resigner because it would take them at least 4 years to figure out how they did it and how to reverse it and it is used for many other things too so if they got the resigner people could still mod and they couldnt do anything about it
  20. jease not too patient!!!! contact me if u get one
  21. sorry wrong post.....i didnt mean to say that stuff to u guys...sory!!!!!
  22. no sligstorm doesnt release anything and i have some but ur not getting them who only joined the site because u wanted modz
  23. i would say "SUCK MY DICK BUNGIE I GOT RECON!!!!!!!" and they would flip out and then i would hack those mother f***ers and they would be done for LOL
  24. i talked to william and he said that if u have ur name on any released mod, in the credits or author, u will get banned but if you only have one mod or helped with on mod u wont get as harsh as a punishment as Pimpin tyler and others will. might be added to list: -skipper132 -II swimmer II - and maybe most modding clans that have actually shown videos or pics of their mods
  25. make a halo wars III on standoff or possibly narrows....its all up to you
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