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Everything posted by tronstar

  1. "If you change anything in a container at all, the signature gets broken, and none of the maps in that package load" he uses container and package.. is it possible to corrupt just certain maps this way? or does he mean i can corrupt ALL of my maps or NONE of my maps (except for map packs..) what container do i go into? i guess what im looking for is more focused direction... tell me exactly what to do to make this happen lolz
  2. "You can now drag and drop those to your computer based on what you want to do. Remember the ideal forge map size is 116kb. If its anything different you either selected "save changes" or just broke your map. For such rehashing reasons and resigning issues, its recommended to make sure your forge user map size is 116kb." does this mean i can corrupt certain maps to make them not playable in matchmaking? if not.. how would i go about doing that? i really want to corrupt valhalla, and sandtrap, among others so i dont have to play them again in h3 matchmaking!
  3. can other people see this in Match making? and.. can i get banned for this?
  4. noone has the expertise!?
  5. its impossible to scratch your disk in the right spots. how can i do this with the cord?
  6. I recently obtained an xbox360 data transfer cord.. its like usb to xbox HDD. anyways.. using this cord, would it be possible to save halo 3, and/or, cod:waw to my HDD then CORRUPT maps so i dont have to play them in matchmaking? keep in mind im a complete noob with modding.. this is my first time modding or doing anything of the sort, so keep that in mind. ========= i dunno maybe i could get halo 3 on my computer somehow and corrupt the maps there and burn a disk with the corrupted maps? ALSO im not looking to get my xbox banned. THANK YOU SOO MUCH IN ADVANCE! ive been wanting to do this for the LONGEST time.
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