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woodley bonner

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Everything posted by woodley bonner

  1. when is version 3 comming out?
  2. Dude it leaked! this map has over 150 DL that means at lease 500-1000 people have it now. post it yourself today and call darkcaosguy a mod stealing and posting ass
  3. GREAT how long till we have these? Has anyone besides my friend played eather of these?
  4. You have to have three people different xboxes have host leave when the game returns from standby screen try to pick up elephant works like 90 % of the time
  5. Yeah I played and now have one called 102 elephants but it lags bad 24 is much cooler in aweek I will have a new stairway to heaven map using 24 elephant mod.
  6. These are very cool! Mad props for posting! So wheres the 24 elephant mod? I did notice its not the same as sligstorms Why?
  7. Is theis the one on guardian you showed me unfinished? When can I at least play it ?
  8. Yeah you can also get out above that hallway on that roof but your still stuck in the elastic barrier, I wish we could break through like on last resort.
  9. The rockets are in the center hill river side on the ledge where are the others? Have to admit I have not played this mod much, all the new ones after sandtrap have very limited replay value.
  10. well???????? Details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. yeah that is new, at leaset the cave is. How strang that cave is in relation to any other hidden room on halo 3. did you pretty much get stuck when you switched back to human, could you do anything in there cool? Have you tryed the other side of the level could be another. I will send you a friend request maybe we can get further or out of ghosttown.
  12. man this mod sux! why are the mods taking so long to get better?
  13. could I join I know most glitches in h3 and have master forge skillz
  14. WOW sounds cool is it hard to pull off?
  15. Well I am a photographer and those flames look kinda fake to me just the opacity difference seems odd.
  16. Maybe some equipment or some grav lifts or some custom powerups
  17. Get some more PICS up! Cool map I might use the rest ofmy budget to decorate and develope more of a unified feel to the entire map.
  18. This map Is nicly put togather but maby you could add more scenery?
  19. Nice. clean and simple just how I like it. Do we really need more users?
  20. oooo thanks
  21. I would say that if you want to make a really ood map use a unlimited $ gitch map and max it out. in my opinion any map that does not use all the money available should have a dam good reason not to or it could be cooler. Just adding small touches can make a dramatic difference, after you make a map spend the rest of the money making it look cool. Also maps should have the scenery lined up perfectly or close to it I am sick of sloppy maps.
  22. WoW! This part of the site is such a good addition! Wow again thanks for the plug of my map, coming from you it means a lot! Note: Rbcrash666 and A piece o cake helped me but it was my concept they helped me place teleporters and pick up the elephants.
  23. Here it is http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=20183561 It was new to me. Its got banshee scorpion mongoose and warthog. Enjoy!
  24. Who me I don't think i am banned
  25. cool I guess but limited in its scope and re-playability
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