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DJ matt

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Everything posted by DJ matt

  1. I run on Windows XP but idk how to get my xbox to show up n such..... and where do i get SID 4.0?
  2. Can u help me on ur modding tutorial?
  3. My xbox wont show up in xplorer 360 idk why.........=[ My xbox wont show up in xplorer 360 idk why.........=[
  4. im using halo toybox 3.5 and i used forge to mod i rehashed it using forge now i need a way to resign it plz help
  5. DJ matt


    Hi my gamertag is DJ mattt any one want to forge with me just add me and ill forge with you
  6. THaT was my first racetrack ever. =] glad you guys like it keep posting ill be macking a new post on halo 3 forge tip and tricks
  7. modding controllers
  8. Check out my map called spiral track on my fileshare-------DJ mattt http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Default.aspx?player=DJ+mattt&sg=0
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