ok, currently i have: 1. Halo 2 burnt to the E drive, 2. 3 mods: Relic, Terminal, and Conatinment. 3. A LOAD of mods on my computer for maps such as Lockout and Coagulation, also the Killtrocity 2 Map Pack. So, yeah. And i figured out the SPPF patcher program, really simple after you know where the file goes and what it's named. But if I do add it to my Xbox, where do i put it? My E drive is almost full. Should I delete Halo 2 and put it on the F drive? (The thought gives me chills because i put a good three days into figuring out how to put it ON my Xbox PERIOD.) And I've got quite a few more questions but, thats all for now. Please get back to me ASAP. Unfortunately the Great Creator gifted me with an incredibly short patience.
i may try the map pack later on, but for now, legacy helped me figure out how to get individual map mods to work [XD] so now i have nightwinder and i'm going for a good lockout or ascension mod. :] oh, one question, how exactly do i use the F drive? because all of the Halo 2 files are on the E drive.
both. the auto-patcher is saying the patching is finished, and then i resign the maps, but they don't show up anywhere. and then the SPPF program just isn't working. i did the f drive thing, and i got the two gigs. i've got plenty of room. but my Flash FXP program will not transfer the rest of halo 2 to my xbox. i'm going to try again, but the sooner you can get back to me, the better.
ok, regular xbox, and my FTP just stopped working [flash FXP] i was burning on halo 2 and when i got to the media folder, the que started slowing down and halted. i rebooted a couple times (disconnecting first, of course.) and it still wouldn't work. also, the map pack. i have no idea what's going on. i can't get the SPPF or the patching. I IZ UBER CONFUSED.
i really have no idea, i JUST started this. i think it's a SPPF or PPF and it came with a serenity auto-patcher.. the killtacular 2 map pack. and i also downloaded nightwinder. umm, burnt to the hard-drive? i have no idea what that means.. well, one is a map pack... and i sort of found a tutorial on how to get that to PLAY, but i don't know what exactly the tut. was asking me to do. the other is just the map nightwinder, i downloaded the two most-popular mods i could find. no, i haven't found that tutorial and it's on the e-drive under games. i deleted nightwinder off the HDD so that i could start over.