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Everything posted by BL4CKXHAWK

  1. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/BL4CKXHAWK/avatar-body.png
  2. Check every e-mail account you have because i just had youtube send you the details to reset your password. Just try logging into every e-mail account you could possible have. EDIT: Please post any e-mail address you have here so i can try something. EDIT: You know i'm not sure i can do anything about it. i can't figure out any way of retrieving the info. Because you don't remember the password or E-mail i don't know what we can do... How many different e-mails do you have?
  3. Well i'm not a hacker but i'll give it my every attempt. EDIT: What is the E-mail to the Account?
  4. Just Go here and Enter the E-mail address you signed up with and they will e-mail you your password. https://www.google.com/accounts/ForgotPasswd?service=youtube&ltmpl=sso
  5. Here is Part of Mine
  6. Well, Here's My desktop! http://i29.tinypic.com/w1pd9e.png
  7. Ok Thanks Caboose.
  8. Yea i just Got Bored and Decided to make a basic VB Program. The Program is VERRY BASIC! NOTE: I am a n00b to Programming (Sorta to VB) so please don't Flame. It Has music! http://i30.tinypic.com/wsk02v.png Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?hdjzqndquhw You don't have to download it, just wanted to offer it incase someone wanted to see it in real life. Anyone Got any Good tutorials for learning Visual Basic as a start to programming?
  9. Sure No Problem! Just so you know, Programming can get annoying and frustrating so don't just give up, keep on trying! What Compiler are you using?
  10. Well the Two most common Coding languages are C# and C++. C# is Easier But C++ is better because you can do more with it i think. I'm no programmer but i can make a "Hello World" Program but thats about it haha. I'm not quite sure which you should learn first but i just dove right in with C#.
  11. Ok cool. looking forward to it. BTW Well Done. Is this done in C#, C++, or Visual Basic?
  12. Hey it Works Now! Thanks Peaches! http://i395.photobucket.com/albums/pp33/BL4CKXHAWK/Itworks.png EDIT: Peaches, You need to program the window to be fixed and nonresizable because it looks like this when you first open it up. The bottom one needs to look like the top one. http://i395.photobucket.com/albums/pp33/BL4CKXHAWK/FixWindow-1.png
  13. Thanks Peaches!
  14. I just tried to use it and it gave me this error... http://i395.photobucket.com/albums/pp33/BL4CKXHAWK/iBotModzError.png Apparently the input String is not in the correct format. Is it because i need to login to the site first or what?
  15. For the second Sig, I'd go with the Version 1 b/c version 2 looks a little too sharp. maybe combine the two for version 3?
  16. The First Two sigs look a little too sharp and the text needs to be a different color. One that doesn't blend in so much with the B/G. What is the difference between the second sets of Versions 1&2? Did you sharpen the second one up a bit? Splatter Brushes: http://www.brusheezy.com/brushes?cat=splatters&psv=&sort= Go Crazy!
  17. Ok when did i ever say i was free style?! maybe read through my posts and get your facts straight before posting. OK so tell me what are some REAL Graphics sites? i'd like to go visit them. As for Curtis ^^^^^ I never said it's wrong to say there is something wrong with their sig. You can tell them that their sig needs work. I already saw your point and understand what you mean. btw you don't have to be that nice to them lawl.
  18. About the tutorials, Just take a look at other peoples styles and techniques so you can learn your own technique. There's nothing wrong with freestyle or tutorials. You don't have to be so harsh on people when they post a new signature. tell them the pros and cons about the Sig so they can learn from the cons and improve on it. Don't just tell them their style or sig sucks, < that is not critiquing, thats just being an Ass
  19. What kind of games do you play and how well does it perform with games and recording the screen? Thanks for the reply! EDIT: Could you please post your system specs?
  20. My Birthday is coming up on August 17th and i am thinking about asking for this as a gift. Who has this card and is this a good choice? My Computer Specs: Mobo: nVIDIA nForce 730a Motherboard Processors: AMD Phenom Quad Core 2.20 GHz RAM: 2GB of Crucial PC6400 DDR2 HDD: 250GB IDE Then the Graphics Card Below. XFX GeForce 9600 GSO Video Card - 768MB DDR2, PCI Express 2.0, Dual Link DVI, SLI Ready at TigerDirect.com Will that Graphics Card Be a Good Choice for a Budget Card.
  21. Well it's not too bad for your First but keep trying different stuff.
  22. Maybe just do a quick uninstall reinstall. Be sure to backup Favorites!
  23. Well don't sell yourself short lol. you'll get better. Go read some tutorials on Gamerenders.com or Planetrenders.net
  24. wow, way to stand up for yourself.. lol i don't think it looks all that bad. theres a little too much Blur.
  25. CoD 4 and Modern Warfare 2 FTW!!
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