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Everything posted by BL4CKXHAWK

  1. I'm looking forward to it. When exactly is it coming out?
  2. So Glad I completed my Online Class work on time! Feels great to be done!!
  3. Working on Online SG Animation Class.
  4. Work was back breaking today...
    1. jmdalmighty


      I'm sure you'll forget all about that when you get your paycheck
  5. haha.. http://i37.tinypic.com/24vpulx.jpg http://i33.tinypic.com/2ewl4oz.jpg
  6. My August Desktop.. http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/2143/augustdesktop.png The Noble Six!
  7. Don't think its been shoped.. the detail on the image in the upper right in pretty accurate..
  8. I just played that part of Assassins Creed 2 a few days ago... That was pretty freakin annoying to get up on the post..
  9. haha Assassins Creed.. It annoys me when theres a part in a game that should be simple to beat but you just keep failing every time!! Pisses me off.
  10. Its spongebobs huge head that weighs the boat over..
  11. Thanks a lot Guys! I'll check them all out!
  12. Hey i've just been browsing around Youtube in search of some good rave music and I thought maybe you all had some good ones to give me. Anyone have any songs in mind?
  13. Very Nice Peaches!! I will use this a lot!
  14. I Use Windows 7 Ultimate x64
  15. Ok well thank you jmdalmighty. Appreciate the Useful Info!
  16. If I were to create a test account, mod it using Modio, then put it back on my Box and sign into XBL would My Console Be Autobanned? Should I unplug my Ethernet and then sign and just mess around? I just really don't want to be banned for messing around w/ a fake profile. I wanted to get a feel for modding profiles before I attempt anything serious.
  17. oh yea sure thing!
  18. Awesome! Thanks for the quick Response Gruntmods.
  19. My old one broke from my computer falling over.. and i guess ur right, I should just go out and buy one haha. wasn't thinking. Does our 360 have to be modified to do this or can it be done on a retail Xbox?
  20. Good Tutorial. Ima use this when i order my Flash Drive
  21. This is the keyboard he is talking about I would be worried about getting caught. i think i'll let someone else try this first. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvh0AqlQHy0&feature=related
  22. maybe leave the B/G blurry but sharpen the focal to add depth.
  23. Any Particular Color Scheme? EDIT: theres a sample of mine.
  24. I think the Droid is Very Cool and it has touch screen. http://www.gomonews.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/alg_droid_cellphone.jpg
  25. I Like It. So its going to be like a portal or homepage basically? Looking good so far.
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