Hey i've just been browsing around Youtube in search of some good rave music and I thought maybe you all had some good ones to give me. Anyone have any songs in mind?
If I were to create a test account, mod it using Modio, then put it back on my Box and sign into XBL would My Console Be Autobanned? Should I unplug my Ethernet and then sign and just mess around? I just really don't want to be banned for messing around w/ a fake profile. I wanted to get a feel for modding profiles before I attempt anything serious.
My old one broke from my computer falling over.. and i guess ur right, I should just go out and buy one haha. wasn't thinking. Does our 360 have to be modified to do this or can it be done on a retail Xbox?
This is the keyboard he is talking about I would be worried about getting caught. i think i'll let someone else try this first. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvh0AqlQHy0&feature=related