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Everything posted by subs_55

  1. haha that was my rocket! lmao that was sweet
  2. subs_55

    My forth sig

    ok it will be my next project.
  3. subs_55

    My third sig

    ok i get it now, i think. so it was a bad idea eh? well whatever, i ya dont ry ya dont learn. chack out my forth sig though, nobody is commenting on it =/
  4. subs_55

    My third sig

    im not sure what you mean, im new to this stuff. whats a focal? its lie the person in your image, it like whatever the person is looking at like in that pic its iron man but some sigs dont even have a focal most do though most sigs ive seen have been based off of a render though? i might be missing what your trying to get at, but it isnt really making sense.
  5. i find it funny they call it a 'canadaian coin' like it doesnt have a name. like a loonie for example lmao
  6. yeah i know that, but it wasnt a virus, and you know my situation, and you know how i can just format, and im sure you know that it will slow my comp down.
  7. subs_55

    My forth sig

    sure man, what do ya want on it? get me a rendeer or an idea an im sure i can make something
  8. subs_55

    My third sig

    im not sure what you mean, im new to this stuff. whats a focal?
  9. subs_55

    error 2

    hahahahahahahaha i canrt belive you posted this! lol man, my guess would be a virus. it just called it error 2 to look like it was a prob with your connection or something.
  10. subs_55

    My forth sig

    ok my forth sig. i made this for a pal of mine. its not bad. it is my fist sig that i used newly downloaded brushes. rate and comment please http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/19772-400.jpg
  11. subs_55

    My third sig

    ok this is my third sig. idk what else to do with it, if you have advice let me know. im kinda disapointed with it but whatever. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/19771-401.jpg
  12. that wouldnt help. cuz my laptop if letting me go to it now. i dont know why but you wherent right. ( big surprise eh? best budz)
  13. ive tried a proxy, many of them. still nothing. i have no virus protection, i have a hardware firewall and it let me get on ibomodz before so i doubt that. i dont use a virus protection because i can eaily re-format, anytime i want, and it slows down my lappy pretty hardcore.
  14. ok i just got on, and to my surprise a winner hasnt been picked. my laptop ( for some reason) wont load ibotmodz so i have to do it at school. i would like to get this over with. come on people!! lets vote and finish this.
  15. care about your post count much? you told me that directly to my face you dont need to repeat it. also you dont need to be an A$$ about it. seriously
  16. ok i know the site is working, im on it at school. but when i go home, it doesnt work. i type it in an it says cannot find server. im connected to the internet, i can go to other sites. i just reformatted becasue i thought it would fix the problem. it didnt though. im thinking it is either some hardware problem, or my comp is having problems reconizing this type of website. if anyone has any ideas on what my problem is, or how to fix it please tell me. THANK YOU EDIT: my problem has fixed its self..... kinda like my wii but thats besides the point. i dont know why its working but it is. i have a feeling that when peaches did that thing with the ip's it fixed it, but i dont know. thanks to all that helped. if the problems return i will let ya all know.
  17. idk when, late june so a bit yet
  18. well i would like to change my vote and get my pals to too. could you change it so thta its possible? i dont want to loose any respect, espesially with gfx stuff. i have just recently gotten into it an i would like to contunue and hopfully become gfx. if i dont have respect i cant, and that will limit how much i do. i might be going a bit over-bored but at the moment i really care.
  19. i take that kinda offencivly but i get what you mean, i have a few freinds so im assuming they voted for me, i got alot of advice from deathgrip an some others so im sure they voted for me. mine isnt that bad is it? EDIT: i got an i dea, you should allow re-voting and i will tell my buds to acctually pic there fav, i dont feel good about having so many votes when i dont diserve it. i honestly dont think that all my votes where because i diserve them, sorry.
  20. im changing my pic a bit use this instead plz http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/19285-429.jpg
  21. well i would like to vote, an i cant at school so it doesnt matter to me cuz i cant do anything either way
  22. omfg this is ftw i really want to get into halo 2 modding now!
  23. can we change the time it ends at? i have to goto school tomorow an i cant really get on at 1 so it would be nice if it was later or something.
  24. i really like good job. let the best man win XP
  25. this is guna be hard to beat. i think ive already lost but its ok im still a newb
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