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Everything posted by subs_55

  1. definatly better then the other one. i still think its just a bit too sharp but good job.
  2. not interested, i think buying an account just to take its rank is stupid. you should play halo cuz its fun not to say OMFGBBQ I GOTZ LVL 50Z!!!!!! I R TEH PWNAGE!!!! MY ROFLCOPER GOES SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI!!!!
  3. nice, did you make the planets or where they renders? im assuming the ships wher renders right?
  4. thats sweet stuff. i downloaded it!
  5. i like it, good vibe. but the random block that got cut out of his had, i dont like (im assuming it was an ipod) not bad though. 6/10
  6. subs_55

    MY sixth sig

    thanks, ive decided to take a break an learn some new stuff, read some tuts. so hopefully my next will beat this one by a good bit.
  7. sounds interesting, i might check it out. im the kind of guy who laughs at most horror movies, and gets really creeped out by real, scary stories.
  8. subs_55

    MY sixth sig

    man you guys are great, thanks. that really rases my self esteem. i will look at some tuts, try some new things, take more time, AND stop whoring the new 200 some brushes i downloaded XP
  9. i agree, but it matters little cuz there are only 3-4 people who have posted in ther more then 3 times... i could try an find a pic to put there if anyone need help.
  10. nope, currently my internet isnt connected to it. we had someone stealing our wifi so we encripted it, i havent got my wii's mac code yet to un encript it. havent found reason too, nobody want to play brawl anyway.
  11. scratch man, sorry. THATS AWESOME FOR SCRATCH! That indeed, is AMAZING for scratch, well done sir, my hats off to you dont take that hat off quite yet, i got help, when i was using corel. one of my pals basicaly did that. i altered it after in photoshop.
  12. subs_55

    MY sixth sig

    yes its true im just making these things like nothing, and by the comment ive been getting, they are nothing. but cant give up yet. here it is http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20049-381.jpg
  13. this is a sig for crazyeights. he has already seen it but id like to see what ibm has to say. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20048-382.jpg
  14. scratch man, sorry. THATS AWESOME FOR SCRATCH! i had started it with coreldraw x3 a while back, an couldnt do why i want till i got photoshop. so i finished it XP thanks for the complement!
  15. subs_55

    Sig #1

    thats what was awkward when you showed it to me! the colors! i agree with melo man. he would know more then i would on the topic
  16. scratch man, sorry.
  17. subs_55

    userbar #1

    agreed as for the user bar its ok, still hate the yellow idk why just do, but its better then it was in class.
  18. nice stuff, keep it up, its good to see some more creative stuff.
  19. ok this is my first large pic. made it in hopes of using as a bg in a sig or something, but halfway though i decide to leave it. i may use part of it in a sig in the future though. rate, comment, give advice, whatever. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20003-393.jpg
  20. subs_55

    My third sig

    i did that with my first sig, i just wanted to try something new. this was ment to be more of a test.
  21. subs_55

    My forth sig

    i got a question though, when you guys give me a rating, is it a rating of skill it took or how it looks? i go fo how it looks, cuz i honestly dont care if it takes me 30 mion or 7 hours. if it looks good my job is done.
  22. subs_55

    My third sig

    ok man you dont need to be an ass, there is obviusly a bg, its blended and im sorry but im trying to attact attention to the blue insted of using the most used color combo, black and red. sorry.
  23. the hat was done well but the stic and the bow tie need some blending, as people have said above
  24. not bad man, i started doing gfx this week. you should check out my stuff an let me know what you think, i could use some help.
  25. subs_55

    My forth sig

    Seriously. Enough of the stupid robot voice. You are such a ripper. The sig looks decent. Great idea. Brush *. I love the txt and the blue behind it. Nothing blends... But its not overwhelming. Looks like you were trying to fill an empty space. 5/10. Your pretty good for like 4 days. where was i filling in space? and 5/10? wow i was just kidding abou what i said in class a few minutes ago......
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