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Everything posted by subs_55

  1. is sracam illegal now? i was joking man. i think your stuff is amazing i thought it was obiously a joke but i guess not. im sorry, i appologize.
  2. i vote dice. i like the vibe it gives off. it seams to flow well except for the arm which i didnt notice before. also jessica alba is amazing.
  3. nice stuff man i wish to be able to do that some day lots of creativity. owch, i feel appreciated now..... good job giving support to others below you, team leader.
  4. ok after my completely failed attempt at joining the GFX team, i have learned that i suck really bad. for some reason when i hear post like "great job man" "8/10" "im proud of you" i get the feelling like i have some sort of skill, but i guess not. im still considered to be under the skill level of a novice. im well aware that im inexperienced, and im not that good. im not expecting to be amazing instantly. im willing to work for it, i just dont know where to start. so i am asking those who have seen my stuff, what is my next step? what shouldi focus on? anything that you feel i need to know. i have seen some sweet things an i want to learn some of the more advanced stuff. the stuff i have done has basically been from me figuring it out on my own. i have looked up how to do things but i have a hard time finding a tut or lesson on how to do some more advanced stuff. i am begging for anyone one with a good tut or some knowlage that i can use, to show me it or tell me where to get it. im running out of ideas. also if you have a good theme or topic to make a pic on, im all ears. thanks.
  5. yeah you gave me that one, hope you dont mind that i used it....
  6. Ok I think it might be time for me to post my app. I have been doing GFX for a few years now but I have only really gotten into it two weeks ago, when I got photoshop.I have gotten basicaly addicted to it. As a result have made many things. From comments that people have given me, I have some skill, have improved very fast and have learned lots in such a little time working with photoshop. If anyone belives I don't diserve is position i respect that, but I'd like to know why. If there are enough active GFX members to make it possible to get accepted that would be great. So here i will post some of my betters ( in my opinion ). http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23825-213.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23825-214.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23825-215.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23825-216.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23825-217.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23825-218.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23825-219.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23825-220.jpg Ok this one kinda sucks but it was my first photoshop sig, it diserves to be shown. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23825-221.jpg I have made more but Im sure most of the GFX team has seen them (At least the ones I've posted). Thanks for your time. I hope I get a spot on the team.
  7. Clearly you didn't read my post. I requested GFX to be apart of the team. MeLo agreed to help me learn photoshop, and how to edit pictures along the way. I can do basic stuff, crop/basic editing/some effects. im sorry man but you dont join the GFX team then get good at it. you get trainning before you join then when the team belives your ready to join then they will let you. so yes dice was right. and yes i did read your post, 3 times infact to make sure i wasnt missing anything. its fine to get help from the GFX team but just because your interested doesnt mean you get on. its a well writen application though. good job and i hope you do leartn some stuff and become part of the team. i plan on it too sometime. Why not? Im only joining because I only hang out with friends or work during the summer. This just gives me something else to do. With me, if i want to make/do something i'll do it. But being part of GFX literally tells me that I HAVE TO DO IT. not just a hobby where it comes and goes. I don't show initiative unless i have something that pushes me to do it. it cant be that important if the only time your going to put any real effort into it is when you need a specific requirment to do it. im sorry man, not trying to be mean but the only way to prove your going to be good or active is if you show us some evidence. it doesnt really matter it it says your GFX you still have the same amout of freedom to do GFX things. the way this team works, on this site, is you can join when you can show you have skill or potential and you can get the current team to agree and vote for you. if your detimind to be on the team let that be your motovation to get good, learn more bout GFX, and show us what you got. im willing to help in amyway i can if you need it.
  8. Clearly you didn't read my post. I requested GFX to be apart of the team. MeLo agreed to help me learn photoshop, and how to edit pictures along the way. I can do basic stuff, crop/basic editing/some effects. im sorry man but you dont join the GFX team then get good at it. you get trainning before you join then when the team belives your ready to join then they will let you. so yes dice was right. and yes i did read your post, 3 times infact to make sure i wasnt missing anything. its fine to get help from the GFX team but just because your interested doesnt mean you get on. its a well writen application though. good job and i hope you do leartn some stuff and become part of the team. i plan on it too sometime.
  9. same thing happend when i played vector TD. i had to leave so i left thegame on came back about an hout later and beat the high score. click submit and it did nothing. the game screen when grey and the music was still playing. this happend a while ago but i dont really care anymore. atleast now because i got photoshop XP here look: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23756-241.jpg my screen displays some site weird, prob cuz i normaly us ie, so the game info and champion stuff is under the game window.
  10. wow, holy crap guys, thanks! i really appreciate the complements. i feel honored, i did spend the most time on the gow sig. thanks to deathgrip for that because he kept saying it sucked, which kinda made me want to make it better. and don't worry, i don't plan on stopping.
  11. ok sense my computer is dumb, i couldnt post this for a while. my computer sometime wont let me log into ibotmodz, and only ibotmodz. it randomly fixes itself after awhile too so idk, its just weird. ok well this is some of my newer stuff that i thought might be worthy to show off. C&C please the top two pics are a bit cut off. ill fix them later. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23426-262.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23426-263.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23426-264.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23426-265.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23426-266.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23426-267.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23426-268.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23426-269.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23426-270.jpg
  12. monster hunter freedom and freedom 2. i know the name sounds retarted but its a great game series. especially if you have a bunch of pals who like it as well, because its based around multiplayer.
  13. get rid of some of em, maybe leave nod and put in kaspersky. it is the best from what i have experienced. my family runs a computer repair store so ive had expericence with all those. but kaspersky could findthings that nortan couldnt.
  14. ill use it. why not. id love for the gfx area to grow, i could use competion/ advice. lol
  15. subs_55


    nice man. if ya care im trying some of the gfx stuff an i could use advice ive posted some of my stuff. comment if ya want. you should keep it up tho. dont stop.
  16. 1051 haha you guys both posted the same number! lmao
  17. subs_55


    ive only downloaded the free stuff, like the interent browser, (good for youtube and the such).
  18. well said, i agree. i really dont care if it goes againt the bible or whatever. im sure people can find something more usefull to complain about. plent of problems out there that are worse.
  19. ok forgive me for saying this but i dont get why everything needs to be blurd or blend in. i put it that way so it stands out, is readable and doesnt hurt your eyes because is blurry. like when you go buy a new tv you dont go for the blury one because everything looks like it blends. ya go for the one with the sharper picture. so why is it so bad that something stands out, is simple and easy to see? dont take it like im mad at you melo, or anyone. i just dont get it and it kinda ticks me off that when i try and do something new it sucks because i didnt use all of the filter effects i could, didnt blur everything, or used more then one brush. again this isnt an attack against any one so please dont take it like it is, if you do im sorry.
  20. subs_55

    DiceGrip Collab

    nice man, pretty sweet. i cat do that vibrent shiny color stuff. looks sweet.
  21. haha i dl that. is pretty decent man good job on that. wouldi be able to join? your short a member so... idk im prob close to the gfx team..... maybe.
  22. ok i feel kinda offended when on e of my fav sigs has no comments. like waht the heck? id like to get some opinions going here. pleases post your opinion and sugestions. so yeah this is kinda a bump i know but i really dont care about the post count, think its kinda pointless but thats off topic.
  23. subs_55

    MY sixth sig

    thanks, ive decided to take a break an learn some new stuff, read some tuts. so hopefully my next will beat this one by a good bit. Na man you dont need to take breaks, then youll just forget everything you know what i mean by that is that i will stop making 6 sigs in 4 days. like i have. all the stuff i know is just things i figured out anddid on my own, no tuts nobody helping except with advice. i did get plenty of advice with some of em. an if any of you guys know a good tut i should check out let me know.
  24. WTF? thats what i mean
  25. i could try man, but im still a newb at this. it might take awhile too but i can use the practice. EDIT: yeah if i do make you one it will be in a week or so most likly, im studying up on the ways of photoshop and ive got there things to do. it might be better if ya got someone else to do it. sorry.
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