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Everything posted by xPRIVATEMAIDENx

  1. they should do what happened to apple. once you bought the product, its your right to do what ever you want with it.
  2. "Say what you will about Alexander Egorenkov ... he has some significantly sizable testicles. " ...O.o they must be huge
  3. O.o can you show me how to manipulate DLC also
  4. i trully HATE apple products, never bought one, never will. and im about to try the seperate keyboard quinn, and.......................... its the same thing, i need to try out a mouse, and why cant i boot win xp on it?
  5. i trully HATE apple products, never bought one, never will. and im about to try the seperate keyboard quinn, and.......................... its the same thing, i need to try out a mouse, and why cant i boot win xp on it?
  6. iv'e recently bought a "emachines" pc, and been having some problems, or i just dont know how to set it up. everything works good, its just that when i hold a key , like "d" and try to move the mouse, it wont move unless i let go of "d". can any1 help me?, please and ty.
  7. first, is there actually a simple way to play offline with a private gm server? also, is there a way just download a patch that you want, and manually install it? last, can any1 give me a simple tut to make/host/join a private server. please and thank you.
  8. Hue G. Rection, best one ive done
  9. didn't know gangsters play WOW, i thought they stick with D&D.
  10. it does show. but only in black and white, yet when i try to record, it shows an error. i have the usb easycap
  11. iv'e tried so many things but at random times it shows it, but in black/white. other times, it just shows a green screen. can any1 help?
  12. if you find one , messege me, couz i wanna join, if i find one, ill let you know gt=xPRIVATEMAIDENx
  13. me want code
  14. epic man, loved it, ut how can you skin them, what app did you use, please tell me
  15. you dont need to shoot the monkey for this to show, me and my friends found out a lot of thing, for example,this "teddy is the biggest liar" go to the second floor in verruck, go by the quick reload machine, and the room ehind it, you will find the same thind, ut more shows, i think it show under "teddy is the biggest liar" a zombie biteing a hand, and youl find other cool stuff, hope to play with you, add me on live if you like
  16. idk why but when i threw a molitove at the monkey(last) the little girl said" wow, you found another one" so there might be more hidden in the map, me and my friends are trying to figure it out, so if we do, ill post a video so
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