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Everything posted by wreithy

  1. 1766
  2. 1764
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  4. 1758
  5. ezasabc, that went well didnt it... Nice post smokiest
  6. 1,756 GMOF i believe you miscounted on your last post
  7. Yeah. every night I go to sleep around 1ish, then i cant get to sleep for ages of course, when i wake up i feel tired as anything then the cycle continues
  8. I can back up niels on what he's saying, nothing but the truth there
  9. Nice post. I prefer to rank up with skill, as it doesnt take too long. this means i dont have to work through grades of ranks. But i realise when i get to 50, i will still need about 4,000exp to reach the highest grade:P
  10. where in this WHOLE topic have i said im a 50?
  11. I wouldnt call myself great, im 27 in lone wolves, and between 20-30 in everything else But i have only had my X360 for just under a month, so im a fast learner i play with nielsss, decatur you probably know him he is my best mate
  12. add my GT wreithy and we can all play tonight at 20.30 GMT whos in?
  13. lol work for it
  14. wreithy

    XBL trade

    i dont think anyone is understanding me i want a 1 month CODE , in return i will give a 3 month ACCOUNT. if you want to ask anyone else about it, pm nielsss. He is retired staff of IBM. he will clarify what i want
  15. wreithy

    XBL trade

    Basically, my old account has a 3 month subsciption still on, but i have a new GT that i want to put XBL on. my friend has given me a subscription now, but the offer is still open
  16. wreithy

    XBL trade

    Hey guys i really need a 1 month code, in return i can trade a 3 month account, or i can make a brand new 1 month with a name of your choice, but i need the code itself cheers pm me to organise anything
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