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Everything posted by noodle1119

  1. He blocked me on MsN because I proved he was a liar.
  2. No. When you forge you are changing the Collection files, not the map. That is why there are no mods other than spawning thing you can download of the fileshares. Right now only people with DevKits can mod the actual .Maps.
  3. The 360 couldn't load the files off of the flash drive.
  4. Haha I like call of duty 4 but it is so frusterating. I get pissed off so much in 1 game, then in the next one I am having a blast. Right now I am pleh RSV2 OMFG I HATE RSV2 >
  5. yeah i might upload sum stupid stuffz lawl
  6. 530, woah you are back. Do you still want an xbox?
  7. Is something on dissolve, because it's really pixelated.
  8. I used to be active every day where is my energy award? omg i ar want staff mb gfx?
  9. You really need to learn something about the halo 3 modding scene. They aren't releasing a lot of things just yet, so don't ask. Even if you did have the program, you would have no use for it.
  10. http://www.imagerotate.com
  11. It's because the maker encrypted the map so you cant steal the content.
  12. Save it as a PNG your quality is being reduced from JPG.
  13. Yeah well I don't like people stealing things from my sig and using them as an avatar you meanie
  14. lawl they all take no skill to make! they are on a rotator btw.
  15. I know he is such a leaker. I hate him and he doesn't give credit so uninformed people on youtube think he's the modder. Oh well people are stupid on youtube anyways so they would still think he is the modder if he gave credit.
  16. Blend the gradient directly behind to the BG more.
  17. You can buy a better video card for less than what it costs to buy a DevKit.
  18. Clam down... I though you got banned for ever? You think I really care? Halomodder is a LIER!!! I just thought you guys might want to know. I'm doing you guys a favor, don't feed into to his ********, attention is what he wants. Oh, btw Shad0wlag hates sligstorm and hacked his site dumbass.
  19. noodle1119

    A Name

    ^ Wow mine doesn't go that deep. Noodle is the name i always played lazerquest with and 1119 is my birthday.
  20. noodle1119


    I love it, but the text... You use it in every sig. I think you should experiment a little more with the text. I think it would look cool if the clipping mask contrasted to the sig. I really love those blue lines though. I myself am just starting back to do graphics again after I got a new computer.
  21. Bio Toxic Legacy Bio Toxic Pear Bio Toxic Pineapple Bio Toxic Zucchini Bio Toxic Squash Bio Toxic Grape Bio Toxic Salad
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