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Everything posted by noodle1119

  1. noodle1119


    .skate and the halo series
  2. but there is only 2 sites...
  3. ladoooooodeeedaaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
  4. Hes just some dude... seriously... http://hurtlockerinc.com/images/SteveDownes.jpg
  5. ^ @#%$ you
  6. noodle1119

    Anime 08

    He's talking about ibotmodz...
  7. i think you can take pictures with the vision cam and put them as ur game pic lol
  8. i just used a usb extension u can buy them.
  9. wtf....
  10. no the videos are game data telling the engine what to recreate so you cant mod real films. God the would be so anoyying having porn all over fileshares
  11. lol thats my brother hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  12. look at meh sig!
  13. That is sooo over contrasted.
  14. ill never be a mod but maybe ill get gfx team.
  15. 400 posts? our vip isnt that good.
  16. lolyah that was awesome.
  17. noodle1119


    http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd269/xV_Noodle_Vx/V1aleccopy.png newest ^ http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd269/xV_Noodle_Vx/uglyTKcopy-1.png
  18. Save it as a png you lost alot of quality. I like the smudging but i think it needs more contrast.
  19. noodle1119


    The story was wwwwwayy weird and it had way to many plot holes.
  20. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/32314-2.png lolz get this for a warning or being banned
  21. www.airsoftgi.com
  22. i always though nicholas was a guys name I saw you on artistic gfx you ugly as ******
  23. noodle1119


    omg wall-e ar favorite movie i like it but wall-e ar over sharpened.
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