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Everything posted by noodle1119

  1. call of duty ftw but H1 and H2 > CoD4. I played CoD4 online and it was so much fun. I played halo 3 online and had NO FUN, at all. All it was was banshee whoring and gay melee.
  2. what evr... i think my lightness on my computer is messed up cuz i can see him just fine...
  3. YES!
  4. You aren't funny.
  5. Just saying, I put no effects, not even coloring so it should be easy to see. Oh and btw try to post something pertaining the signature.
  6. So, you can't see the guys face which has NOTHING on it. wow.
  7. Haha not quite, Yelo enables Devolpers mode, which in fact, the devolpers made. But, ya killtrocity v2 owns halo 3.
  8. Thanks, I am tottally for true.
  9. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4729-193.png RnC!
  10. The Mario is ok, but the background is too blurry. I don't like 1 and 3, but 4 is the best out of all of them imo.
  11. hahaha that looks awesome!
  12. I had about 9349451304598134571394071398713947796213412341234832145123513252462457 posts.
  13. Xbox Live is down. Bungie said it is fine and they can keep it on their fileshare.
  14. K i got it to pplay, but I cant really see whats happening because my screen is dark. I like the oddball kills, though.
  15. I got my 360 last christmas, and my dad helped me set it up. THe longest thing was typing all of our info with that damn controller.
  16. Awesome!
  17. I love V1 and V2. The colors are so vibrant but not clashing. I just think it is pure awsome.
  18. haha interesting...
  19. yeah, it looks awsome.
  20. No, he's saying that the outer glow is odd, and it looks to pixelated. You should add whats it called like a blending style.
  21. I really dislike halo 3, it's just not fun like h1 and h2.
  22. stfu fag! Yours doesn't even make sense stupid! Oh and btw, nice old topic post and sig, Biatch.
  23. srlly, like in h2 b4 i modded i was a 12 in snipes, now im a 21 in lone wolves and a gunnery sargeant grade 2
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