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Everything posted by noodle1119

  1. Awwww Ibotmodz used to be best, a lot of memories here
  2. hahahah i remember that.
  3. Whats your gamertag or the one you were using at your friends house then?
  4. Yeah its noodle1119. It was definately me if it was in social team slayer haha
  5. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/noodle1119/avatar-body.png lawl thats me.
  6. I will always know you as fatwarm no matter what haha
  7. noodle1119


    ummm haha my labtop has a tablet screen and i just doodled in ps for like 10 minutes
  8. Blackberry storm:D:D:D
  9. http://www.innocentenglish.com/funny-pics/lolcats/funny-cat-with-big-head.jpg
  10. noodle1119


    http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd269/xV_Noodle_Vx/Raur.png hahahahahaha:D
  11. noodle1119


    happy buddah.
  12. http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd58/vX_Noodle_Xv/okv2.png cup n00dlez
  13. Me and my brother will help.
  14. hahaha i was doodling in math class not creating a masterpeice loooooooooooooooool you are so arrogant but you suck sooooo much.
  15. dude you have to add bridges
  16. wow like a 1 in 50000000000000000000000000000 chance and its a big deal? hahahahahahaha
  17. u dont like dunkz? or skate hi? not even mah fave half cabs
  18. i have a colored pen drawing but its upside down ill fix it later
  19. http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd269/xV_Noodle_Vx/Koolpencildrawing.jpg
  20. gladiator is so siiiiiiick! exucted so well my only problem is some of the lines look a bit too sharp
  21. http://www.hardcloud.com/uploads/products/Vn0dz3qlfbk_m.jpg mah half cabs http://members.shaw.ca/a51/vans_sk8hi_bbw.jpg skate his http://www.dunkbar.de/wc/wordpress/wp-content/gallery/nike-dunk-mid-bass/nikesb_dunkmidfeb08_1jpg.jpg dunkz http://img.skatewarehouse.com/ProductImages/OSBXBLG.jpg bronx mah bronx are cool
  22. ive know about banksy for a looooooooong time.... Its cool though cuz his art has a real political mesaage not just random stuff.
  23. wow. that was pathetic.
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