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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 08 May 2009
    Offline Last Active Aug 20 2009 11:52 PM

    Posts I've Made

    In Topic: Request. Modded gametype

    19 August 2009 - 10:19 PM

    Hahaah Lol. I enjoyed the fight there, Ill try to make the gametype mod for you. Get back to me

    GamerTag : flamez3

    In Topic: Halo 3 Tag Program With All Map Packs!

    27 July 2009 - 03:25 AM

    What about the tags under "Bloc", "Equip" and all that?

    In Topic: Playable CTF Mod - Vergence

    20 May 2009 - 05:48 AM

    Looks really good, but what's modded in Pic 2, "Factory Base"?

    Well there are Breakable windows in the Base but it was to show you what Vehicles you have

    In Topic: Dry Valhalla Mod

    19 May 2009 - 05:48 AM

    Nice looks good.

    In Topic: Playable CTF Mod - Vergence

    17 May 2009 - 03:10 PM

    post ur msn and aim.

    Aim : flamez3@hotmail.com
    MSN : flamez3@hotmail.com
    Gamertag = flamez3