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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 15 Jan 2008
    Offline Last Active Jan 15 2008 08:02 PM

    Posts I've Made

    In Topic: June 17 Update.

    23 June 2008 - 01:39 PM

    I'm digging the Rep system. Looks nice.

    In Topic: ehh

    11 June 2008 - 09:38 PM

    Those are pretty much amazing.

    In Topic: WiiWare

    11 June 2008 - 06:19 PM

    I think I know what you mean, it has every arcade game from every console since the first nintendo console?

    I think I was browsing that in WiiWare, too much credits for a flippin game. I wanted Opera, and it costed 500.

    No that's the Wii shop channel.

    WiiWare is just like live arcade because small game developers create games and release it there. The Wii Shop Channel is where you get things like the Virtual Console games which are all the old games as well as downloading things like the Internet channel (Which if you had had a wii within the first few months the internet channel was released would had been able to get for free).

    In Topic: Anyone play or played kotor 1 or 2

    10 June 2008 - 06:03 PM

    Those truly are amazing games! I love both of them and the movies, but i'm not obsessed or a geek.

    The second one is a little better imo, but that's only because I played the second one first and beat it and borrowed the first one, but never finished it .

    In Topic: Sig #1

    09 June 2008 - 01:28 PM

    Really the main thing I'd say is what the others are saying. The colors don't really fit together. It's kind of like in a room you don't want a bright yellow couch if there's nothing else in the room that's yellow because it doesn't match.

    That's the best analogy I've got.