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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 28 Apr 2009
    Offline Last Active May 23 2009 11:25 AM

    Topics I've Started

    CAn you figure it out?

    23 May 2009 - 09:21 AM

    #1-Your stuck in a room with no windows, or doors. The only things in the room with you are a table and a mirrior, How do you escape?

    #2- Imagine your in a boat in a sinking boat surrounded by sharks in the middle of the Ocean. How do you survive?

    #3- Your in your Math class. There's this really anyoning kid in front of you. YOu decide to throw a penncil at him. WHen u hits him in the eye it bounces off, WHY?

    Number 1 thing that make me say," WTF!".

    21 May 2009 - 07:55 PM

    Little kids are taking over! Dude I was playing paintball the other day. I was sitting in a bunker with a person next to me. I just finished a strafing shot when I looked at the person next to me.
    HES A FRICKEN 6-Year-old! I mean we play 300 fps, That **** stings! I mean all the 20 and 30 year olds wear fricken, Metal plates, baggy clothes, and **** so the balls wont hurt. Us,13 yearolds, Play in T-shirts and jeans. The 6-year-old wore a tiny ass jacket!
    Cannot Be Displayed- Heres why they shouldnt play!
    On XBL it's funny becasue I always get a game were there's a 6-year-old cusring thinking hes so big and bad, He dies once and throws a temper-tamtrum! It gets annonying....

    Then at our school, The 6th graders a sittin' there tallking about sex, shooting people and things like that! I mean a 6th grader! The little buggers this year are tall if their 4 feet, yet they talk like their fricken gangbanngers and ****. They talk like that in front of teachers! ITS INSANE!

    What has the world come to?