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    Member Since 08 Apr 2009
    Offline Last Active Apr 10 2009 03:10 PM

    Posts I've Made

    In Topic: H3 prank

    08 April 2009 - 08:00 PM

    I didn't post a link to this thread. I just posted a link to this site.

    So it was YOU!

    Still why did you post a link to the site?

    The thread was doomed anyway but why speed it up?

    In Topic: H3 prank

    08 April 2009 - 07:54 PM

    Yeah. Its not like it was a big deal. I just randomly was like "I want to write a post" and started making up names and just wrote it.

    You found out. Congrats. Not like someone wasn't. If I had written a script and planned it out with lots of guys in the course of a week, maybe I would be mad. However, I made this up in 5 minutes in the cbox.

    for the note. I didn't fail. People trying to aid me, failed.

    No no.

    You did fail.

    You said Sandbox had corners.

    When everyone knows Sandbox is a circular map like Sandtrap.

    Note: I stole that from someone who resurected the thread.

    In Topic: H3 prank

    08 April 2009 - 07:50 PM

    meh, doesnt matter, not like it was planned or anything

    add me peaches :)

    GT is my name

    I'm sorry but I don't add flamers.

    In Topic: H3 prank

    08 April 2009 - 07:46 PM

    Its "MrCereal". With an "L". Get it right.

    Why ban us? Because we exploited you pathetic attempt at a prank? Go ahead, ban us, if it'll make you feel any better. Still doesn't change the fact that you failed at trying to prank the Halo Forums. :D

    I would'nt tempt fate Cereal.

    But they did fail.

    So So Hard.

    In Topic: H3 prank

    08 April 2009 - 07:31 PM

    Wtf. MrCereak and OctalLord. GTFO. Peaches you are to soft. I would have banned them the second they joined.

    For doing what?

    Calmly talking about the prank?

    Seems like you expect most members to just "LOLOLOLOLOLZ You R Failur"

    The world is filled with different kinds of people so give them a chance.

    @Peaches: Good luck with that. I might actually join you if you send be a FR.