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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 21 Jan 2009
    Offline Last Active Aug 03 2009 02:30 AM

    Topics I've Started

    i need some DLC

    31 January 2009 - 03:07 AM

    could someone upload the army of two SCC DLC and the GOW 2 DLC for me please?
    also say in what folder it should be and if you upload, please put it on rapidshare
    the reason i want this is because when i download it myself on my xbox(with my very slow internet), i cant play halo 3 while i download it and when i download it on my pc, i can limit the speed of the download while i play halo 3 ^^

    thanks if someone helps me :D

    SPG stuff...

    30 January 2009 - 10:06 AM

    i would like to do spg glitches but it is so hard to find the profiles/saved games so if anyone could upload some spgs for me or give me an invite to any site where i can download them it would be very appreciated

    also, i have an spg profile for army of two but i cant get it to work, does anyone know how to do this?


    burning xbox games

    28 January 2009 - 07:52 AM

    for the xbox 360, i always use dvd-dl to burn, games but now i want to burn old xbox games(halo 2 for example), but this game does not fit on a normal dvd and i dont want to burn old xbox games on the expensive dvd dls <_<
    so is it just my version of halo 2 that is this big? or are there any other halo 2 versions that fit on normal dvd disks?

    editing saved game seriously 2.0

    27 January 2009 - 02:32 PM

    i am trying to edit my gow2 seriously 2.0 but so far with no success
    i want to make it 100000+ kills
    i found my current amount of kills and i convert to decimal and then i search in a hex editor, i save it but the value in game does not change...
    can someone help me with this?

    resigning and rehashing and keyvault

    27 January 2009 - 11:31 AM

    i dont understand these things -.-
    can someone explain this to me please?