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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 18 Dec 2008
    Offline Last Active Jan 16 2009 07:07 PM

    Posts I've Made

    In Topic: Sandbox 3.2

    21 December 2008 - 12:34 PM

    Current Version: 3.2

    Posted Image


    • Edits any Halo 3 Usermap.
    • Copy, Paste, Clear, Move block functions.
    • Ident swapper.
    • Preview image support.

    Latest Updates
    • Now has images for 72 different tags
    • Tags can be given a custom name and comments
    Posted Image
    Posted Image

    Found a bug?

    Any bugs can be reported to me here, or through private message. I will try and fix them A.S.A.P

    Having a Problem?

    Here a couple answers to some common questions. If you cant find the answer to your problem here please take some time a post it in this thread.

    Q: Sandbox crashes as soon as I open it. What do I do?
    A: Download and install the latest version of the .net framework.

    Q: Sandbox only opens .map files... what gives???
    A: You must first extract the usermap from its container file before you can open it in sandbox. For information on extracting usermaps read my tutorial attached to this post.

    Q: Can I get banned for playing modded maps that I've made?
    A: No not for playing it. But Bungie has said they will ban for posting modified content on your file share.



    The only problem I am having is how do you download it? I'm new here and I'd like to know.