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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 02 Oct 2008
    Offline Last Active Sep 05 2010 11:59 AM

    Posts I've Made

    In Topic: Atlas - The new Xbox360 Modding AIO!

    05 September 2010 - 11:59 AM

    I downloaded this just because I wanted to see the Achievement Unlocker and Avatar Color Editor. But I found out you can't do anything without being a Premium. So Gay.

    You don't have to be premium to use the Avatar Color Editor you have to be logged in though which is 100% free to create an account. But ofcourse if you don't read you wouldn't know that >_>

    In Topic: The Rookie Model

    14 December 2009 - 10:14 PM

    Actually Odst and halo 3 are quite similar in structure.

    In Topic: DarkFallBrowser

    23 October 2009 - 08:51 PM

    Ok you wanted "Constructive Criticism" so here it is.

    1. The bulky buttons make the app look horrible the overplayed use of devcomponets doesn't help much either.
    2. You're settings scheme is really bad, there's no point in setting them if you close the app and open it again they just reset.
    3. The login form is pointless and irritating for long time users because it just gets in the way and doesn't serve a purpose on the account that you didn't obfuscate you're app so everyone can see you're "Private" password.

    Also none of which is in this app is "You're" research.You may have coded it but all of that stuff was figured out before you.There's a difference.

    Take this how you may but this is only for you to improve if you so choose so.