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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 24 Aug 2008
    Offline Last Active Oct 09 2010 12:12 PM

    Topics I've Started

    How do I rebuild my laptop from safe mode / command prompt?

    09 October 2010 - 10:41 AM

    I would not ask if it were not an emergency, for I just bought an extremely overpriced iPod nano 6g 16gb and I can't put any songs on it because my computer has an extremely dangerous Trojan virus that shuts down my computer when I go in normal mode an often shuts down in safe mode. I have the disks required to re-install everything, but I can't get any programs at all to open in safe mode (not even task manager at times) and I'm too stupid to understand how to use anything in command prompt, and I'd google it for help but you have no idea how much of a pain in the ass google for help is on the iPhone.

    I really don't give a shit if every drop of information on the thing is lost, I've got my songs safely stored on a USB drive and that is all I need. Please, for the sake of ruining my hearing with full blast rock and hip hop, HELP meeeeeeeeee :o

    Apple should make a handheld gaming device

    21 August 2010 - 10:27 AM

    Remember I'm just a noob with dreams so if my idea is an epic fail then I never said it I was just typing out loud lol. ;)

    Let's say we stacked two iPhone 4's on top if each other, Apple could double/triple the processors, have tons of hard-drive space, and have a massive battery...and they call it the iBrick. It could easily pass up the psp's standards and come on if they could make a phone play most games the psp can play (I'd love to shove GTA: Chinatown Wars in that kids face), they could surly make a game system that would probably be overpriced by hundreds of dollars yet would still beat the shit out of the psp or dsi :whistle:

    I was bored

    16 July 2010 - 08:20 PM

    Got bored and turned some famous people into a bunch of fat asses:

    Attached File  IMG_0554.JPG   31.55KB   162 downloads Justin Bieber
    Attached File  IMG_0559.JPG   37.97KB   180 downloads Lil Wayne (1)
    Attached File  IMG_0563.JPG   29.82KB   174 downloads Lil Wayne (2)
    Attached File  IMG_0564.JPG   28.27KB   132 downloads Megan Fox (1)
    Attached File  IMG_0557.JPG   37.85KB   138 downloads Megan Fox (2)
    Attached File  IMG_0575.JPG   36.93KB   128 downloads Eminem
    Attached File  IMG_0566.JPG   36.05KB   175 downloads Mr. Bean
    Attached File  IMG_0593.JPG   29.82KB   170 downloads Bill Gates
    Attached File  IMG_0590.JPG   34.16KB   161 downloads Mr. T (2)
    Attached File  IMG_0588.JPG   28.66KB   127 downloads Mr. T (1)
    Attached File  IMG_0579.JPG   26.03KB   175 downloads Numa Numa Guy
    Attached File  IMG_0553.JPG   29.01KB   133 downloads Asianface