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    Sniped Sniper

    Member Since 29 Jun 2008
    Offline Last Active Mar 07 2010 04:36 AM

    Topics I've Started

    Possible things with xSATA

    07 July 2008 - 01:08 PM

    Ok I was just wondering... before I get xSATA what are all the possible things I can mod with it and some other software I might find later on? Like is there anything other than Halo 3 mods?

    Ugh... xSATA or Cap card?

    29 June 2008 - 07:02 PM

    I was wondering... I've only got $20 left after buying alot of crap, I know I can't really get anything with that but I can save up or borrow some of my parents money.

    I was thinking of getting xSATA to mod Halo 2/3 but I don't know if that's the ONLY piece of hardware I need. If there's anything else I probably won't get it then. And there also is that risk of getting banned, but I love modding and I'd risk even my Xbox for it. I've already got some software like, HxD, and some Screenshot tools too.

    But I wanted a capture card since like Halo 2... Never got round to buying it though, and I'd make like Hundreds of Videos a month if I had one. I love sharing my stuff, especially media with other people. I've got a slow laptop though which might make capturing a bit gay.

    So which one do you think I should get? Good quality capture cards are more expensive than xSata I think.

    Well anyway if I get one now I'll probably get the other one later, not anytime soon though.

    Edit: I just found out you won't really get banned for modding.