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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 17 Jun 2008
    Offline Last Active Oct 20 2010 05:01 PM

    Topics I've Started

    Forza 3 vinyl group modding?

    29 January 2010 - 06:48 PM

    i was looking on the online store stuff, and i saw soo many images that looked like someone modded, like they made the image in photoshop, then somehow placed it in the game...

    i was wondering if anyone knew how i can do this... i have a lot of pics on my computer i made with photoshop i would love to have on the game...


    How do i do this in VB.net

    20 August 2009 - 03:18 PM

    I was wanting to make a app that when you load the file into it, and you hit a button it atuomatically looks and changes the Value for the EP on a prototype save. Anyone know how i can make that happen?

    Mainly the reason i want to do this is because i am still learning and want to try something like this xD

    Thanks for the help ppl

    can i do this...in VB

    15 July 2009 - 04:22 PM

    hey i am programming in Visual studio visual basic express edition thing (srry 4 jumbled up title i am not on my pc i am on my mothers lol)
    can i change the little X and minimize and maximize buttons like uh skin them to be anything else cuz i was making a pretty cool program (personal use only lol) and i wanted it to look kinda cool so it doesnt look all crappy and stuff with the windows look i wanted it to be a custom top and buttons and everything at the top...
    so what i am trying to say is there anyway i can skin that to be something else ?

    how do i remove death barriers for Dune(relic)

    01 July 2009 - 06:27 PM

    can someone link me to a proper tut or give me an app that will help me remove death barriers
    i need a tut on removing death barriers with entity on Dune(Relic) plz help.