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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 11 Jun 2008
    Offline Last Active Jun 13 2009 09:36 PM

    Posts I've Made

    In Topic: In need of cash, should I sell?

    28 December 2008 - 12:54 AM

    To get achievements all you have to do is a tiny bit of hexing.

    that's an improper way, and only fixes a small bit of all that needs to be fixed. It's actually quite detectable too.

    In Topic: In need of cash, should I sell?

    26 December 2008 - 12:55 PM

    CON constructor example please :p

    alright, with the CON constructor, I was able to take the GoW2 flashback map pack, and golden weapons files and convert them onto my box so that I could play them. Then from there, I could modify the golden weapons files to spawn with any weapon I wanted to.

    In Topic: In need of cash, should I sell?

    25 December 2008 - 06:49 PM

    achievement unlocks only work if you have played the game.

    CON constructor, what is the point in that.

    Achievement unlocker is very useful for those people who want large numbers next to their names and don't want to through the extra hours to unlock them...

    CON Constructor can be used to create CON files of your own, such as creating game content. If you want, I could provide some good examples of how i needed to use it...

    Also, this is just asking that IF i was to sell, how much people would pay. I would sell somewhere else if you want, but I do want to know if it's worth it in the first place...

    In Topic: Campaign Edit :: Playing As A Jackal

    16 December 2008 - 06:47 PM

    it can be changed to work on other profiles if you know how...

    In Topic: Modding Installed Games (nxe)

    12 December 2008 - 12:24 AM

    Can you mod an XEX to mod Halo 3 like a dev kit, make modded maps, shove it on a stealthed disc, and install thta to play mods?

    no, the XEX file's signatures are still checked.

    How do you then run your modded/custom XEX without a demo/dev kit? I might not be 100% right, but I believe you need either a demo or dev kit to run custom XEX's.

    not without an exploit.

    the only signed file is the 44kb file in the root of the installed game (which is a con). the data files are just a jumbled bunch of game data that will be hard-impossible to sort out. but they are not signed with rsa...

    They're not hard-impossible to sort out. They're raw game data that has a very simple, yet efficient structure.