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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 06 Jun 2008
    Offline Last Active Dec 13 2008 08:03 PM

    Posts I've Made

    In Topic: All Halo 3 Mods (450+ Mods)

    22 September 2008 - 05:38 PM


    In Topic: MUST SEE

    22 September 2008 - 05:26 PM

    ahahahaha, that is HILARIOUS!!!!!!

    In Topic: ibotmodz year book of 2008

    19 June 2008 - 04:50 PM

    i don't have a picture of me, but here's my dad and my sister!
    (my dad was just waking up... lol)

    In Topic: What is your favorite color?

    13 June 2008 - 02:34 PM

    I like yellow, it's bright and happy!!!

    In Topic: Thoughts On God And Religion

    11 June 2008 - 11:44 AM

    You know, there's this really good book called Godless by Pete Hautman, and it's about this fifteen year old boy named Jason who's somewhere in the middle of a agnostic and an atheist, and doesn't really want to be like his psycho dad who's like SUPER DEVOTED to God.
    Jason and his friend Shin later decide to make a new religion up, "Chutengodianism", which is manifested by the ten-legged-god, also known as the water tower that was standing over them as they were creating the religion.

    It's like a super addictive book and I just had to mention it when I saw this topic, I hope you guys read it, whoever is out there reading this post!