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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 29 May 2008
    Offline Last Active Jun 26 2012 05:32 PM

    Posts I've Made

    In Topic: [SA-Mods] Gametype Mods *Released*

    15 July 2008 - 10:16 PM

    If you could make gametypes with the misslepods and flamethrowers couldnt you make gametypes with turrets and plasma cannons?

    In Topic: Anyone want me to make them a mod?

    15 July 2008 - 04:12 PM

    bobshminkle I added you, next time you see me on just invite me to a game and tell me want you want on the map.
    Swordguy make sure its a film not a clip and make sure its under 2 MB, If it is just reccomend it to Xpargas and i will send it to you.
    Sorry grizzly but i dont do gametypes. Only maps and films

    Awsome! Thanks xpagas.

    In Topic: Anyone want me to make them a mod?

    15 July 2008 - 01:59 PM

    i could if you give me the film but it has to be on your pc cuz i dont have a xsata and you would need a xsata >.>

    I dont have Xsata, damn.

    In Topic: Anyone want me to make them a mod?

    15 July 2008 - 12:41 PM

    Could you make a film mod of me and my friend and give us comeplete, nonflaming recon?

    In Topic: Cold Storage mod idea.

    08 July 2008 - 03:08 AM

    Theres a glitch to force a receiver into the tube.

    1. Set up a group of objects(in this case I stacked walls on top of 2 barricades).
    2. Click X over each wall(or whatever objects you use to help push your main object in) and set spawn at start to no and set a respawn time(however long you think you'll need).
    3. Start a new round.
    4. Place the object you want in there right between the tank/(or whatever place you want the object to go in) and the objects your using to help push it in(use the markers and your memory to tell where they are).
    5. Hold it still until the objects respawn.
    6. Right when your objects respawn, let go of the object.. If it lags, don't panic, that is normal. Once your object goes in to your desired location, it will stop lagging.
    7.Delete your pushing objects and ENJOY!

    There are places that objects can't go no matter what you do, such as the Flood wall outside the level. This is because of the death barrier that is out there.

    Once its in the tube you can flip it.