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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 19 May 2008
    Offline Last Active May 19 2008 04:31 PM

    Posts I've Made

    In Topic: Mod sugestions!! ^_^

    22 May 2008 - 04:57 PM

    plasma grenade explodes into swords,hunters,banshee and hornet at highground,ghost shoots plasma grenade,assult rifle shoots spike gernades,wraith shoots giant! plasma grenades 1 at a time,and dont think ypu can do this but call of duty 4 wepons?,scarab gun the green ray thing,a sniper that shoots sniper ammo and beam rifle ammo at once,killable sharks or fish at last resort highground vallalhala or any other maps with water,crossbows,flaming energy swords,throw spike gernades firebomb gernades frag gernades and plasma gernades at once,warthog turret shoots fire bomb gernades,killable kangaroos deer moose and any other animals,big ship on stand off,johnson,hunter guns,hornet and banshee and every vehicle shoots flags and skulls,plasma pistol works like a gravity hammer,invisible banshee that is drive able,cops,corn,sniper shoots gauss ,turret shoots ice sicles,if you use any of these please tell me

    In Topic: Mod sugestions!! ^_^

    22 May 2008 - 04:55 PM

    plasma grenade explodes into swords,hunters,banshee and hornet at highground,ghost shoots plasma grenade,assult rifle shoots spike gernades,wraith shoots giant! plasma grenades 1 at a time,and dont think ypu can do this but call of duty 4 wepons?,scarab gun the green ray thing,a sniper that shoots sniper ammo and beam rifle ammo at once,killable sharks or fish at last resort highground vallalhala or any other maps with water,crossbows,flaming energy swords,throw spike gernades firebomb gernades frag gernades and plasma gernades at once,warthog turret shoots fire bomb gernades,killable kangaroos deer moose and any other animals,big ship on stand off,johnson,hunter guns,hornet and banshee and every vehicle shoots flags and skulls,plasma pistol works like a gravity hammer,invisible banshee that is drive able,cops,corn,sniper shoots gauss ,turret shoots ice sicles,if you use any of these please tell me

    In Topic: All Halo 3 Mods (U.T.D.) Brand New

    19 May 2008 - 04:55 PM

    hey how do i download these to my xbox so can someone tell me or file share the flooded last resort mod to lilengel23 that is my gamertag and if you have it the flood on isolation please file share this one to me to