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    Obito Kajuo

    Member Since 13 May 2008
    Offline Last Active Jun 03 2009 05:58 PM

    Topics I've Started

    How can I play P.C. games downloaded on my computer without burning a disk?

    19 February 2009 - 07:40 PM

    I right now I'm having problems trying to play Halo 2 PC on my computer. I cannot burn it to a disk because I don't have a disk with enough space. Is there a way to play it directly from my computer without burning it to a disk? One more thing does anyone know where I can get a program that reads E-files? Someone please help me out.

    Gametype mods?

    02 June 2008 - 07:05 PM

    How come no makes gametype mods? People should start making gametype mods more often, and I know it's possible because of the instant respawn mod.