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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 13 May 2008
    Offline Last Active Apr 19 2016 03:14 PM

    Topics I've Started

    [programrelease]Grand Theft Modification

    03 March 2009 - 02:53 PM


    Not much. Meh, eh, MEH!!! EH!! MEH ****ING EH!!!


    Anyway, You can thank unknown v2, gabe_k, and I for this tool, I coded this program, however research was unknown and gabe (yes i did some too).

    Posted Image

    Ooooo pretty!!





    [release]Coniliation =]

    31 January 2009 - 08:52 PM


    This ones free guys :p

    Don't know where to start. I ALWAYS wanted to code a CON file indexer/manager. And I did. This will scan your hard drive(s) for con files, and add there location to a index(text file), and then on start up, load some interesting things about them that you can change and such. How fast? Hm, not very, but not slow. I searched a 500 gig IDE hard drive, with 455k files, through 42 folders, in about an hour, i got 800 or so CON files :) . All in about, 1000 lines :)

    Posted Image

    As you can see, I load all the general CON information once you click the file, it loads that instantly. It loads all there thumbnails and such, the ids, and everything on start up, it'll inject thumbnails into the selected CON file(rules: 64x64, PNG). Rehash, resign, etc. It organizes the CON files by Game into groups, and it organizes Picture Packs, Profiles, Themes, and it can't, into Misc/Unknown.

    Moving on, Next Picture;

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    As you can see, it'll load the entries for that selected file. Self explainitory, it will/does not extract, NOR inject.

    Moving on, Next Picture;

    Posted Image

    This is near pointless, But I thought it'd be neat, this will load all the png's loaded, into this view thingy...pointless lol.

    Here is the real heart of this program, the finder thingy;

    Posted Image

    You can search the WHOLE drive, or select the folder to start, it'll output the files as it finds them, and make sure YOU SAVE OUTPUT AFTER YOU FIND THEM ALL!!!! (you'll know when).

    Last one, Back to main page;

    Posted Image

    Right click ftw!!

    It can copy/move all your con files to a selected directory, or app directory, by game, or no organize, sadly, you'll have to research, but that would be a near instant search/find (Select the folder ;) ;) ;) ). Also, you can resign with a external KV, or with the internal(for resign all). Oh, and rehash all.

    This checks for updates at start up, etc, you can find out the rest of the features yourself, this took me about 2 days or so, casual working. It's came a LONG way, this is the public release. Hope you guys enjoy it, It's got a built in updater, so if I release an update and you aren't a forumer, you'll know if there's an update, I didn't forget about you! I love you ;)

    MUCH love to DJ Shepard, and gabe_k. I love them both VERY much. DJ is my sexy gay furry friend :) and gabe_k is my hoe hoe. They are both very good guys. Oh oh, and shouts to Matt :D :D Without him the main heart of this app, would simply phail.


    Want a download?

    Attached File  Coniliation.rar   72.14KB   229 downloads

    Love, Superaison