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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 17 Apr 2008
    Offline Last Active May 22 2010 08:34 AM

    Topics I've Started

    Youtube Tools v 7.0.9

    02 March 2009 - 05:44 PM

    Youtube Tools v 7
    Posted Image

    - Requires the newest .Net framwork
    - Downlaods videos in a .mp4 ( conversion soon)
    - Simple Design and GUI 
    - The first button gets the picture preview
    - takes a few Seconds, Downloads the Video(may take a few moments depending on teh video size and length)


    Typo Made by me and 3 + Hours of research

    XLGXMMX Dll Update

    01 March 2009 - 05:44 PM

    Inspiration from Dark Slip

    visual basic 2008 and up.
    General - 1 Use: ReverseString
    Dim General As New XLGXMMXProgramDLL.General

    Network - 3 Uses: Find IP; Send Mail Beta; Open Ports
    Dim Network As New XLGXMMXProgramDLL.Network

    NXE - 1 Use GetAvatarLink; Get GamerCard Link( styles: Aero,Cylinder,GameBar,Gel,Gel(sig),Geothermal,H20,Marble,NXE
    Dim NXE As New XLGXMMXProgramDLL.NXE

    Security - 2 working: getFileMd5(requires Open File ) ;DigitalProductId --1 Beta: IP Ban
    Dim Security As New XLGXMMXProgramDLL.Security

    Youtube - Get Pic Privew, Download Video
    Dim Youtube As New XLGXMMXProgramDLL.Youtube

    Digital ProductId Example
    MsgBox(DigitalProductId("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\", "DigitalProductId"))

    http://xlgxmmx.net/Downloads/VBPub/XLGXMMX Programs Update.rar


    05 February 2009 - 07:12 PM

    Inspiration from Dark Slip

    visual basic 2008 and up.
    General - 1 Use: ReverseString
    Dim General As New XLGXMMXProgramDLL.General

    Network - 3 Uses: Find IP; Send Mail Beta; Open Ports
    Dim Network As New XLGXMMXProgramDLL.Network

    NXE - 1 Use GetAvatarLink and soon Gamercard
    Dim NXE As New XLGXMMXProgramDLL.NXE

    Security - 2 working: getFileMd5(requires Open File ) ;DigitalProductId --1 Beta: IP Ban
    Dim Security As New XLGXMMXProgramDLL.Security

    Digital ProductId Example
    MsgBox(DigitalProductId("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\", "DigitalProductId"))

    http://xlgxmmx.net/Downloads/VBPub/XLGXMMX Programs.rar

    Easy User Map Modding

    28 January 2009 - 12:10 PM

    -Modding User Maps-

    _____________Hardware Needed_____________________

    *(any means of getting information off your HDD. Below are links to popular devices)
    *XSATA* XB360 XSATA - Codejunkies US
    *XPORT* XB360 Xport - Codejunkies US
    *Microsoft Transfer Kit (free)* http://www.se7ensins...-microsoft.html

    ______________Programs Needed________________________

    *Modders Arsenal AIO by nickthepick* http://www.apocalypt...... Arsenal.rar
    *Forge 2.3 by supermodder911* Forge_2.3.rar - FileFront.com

    Start up Halo3. When you get to the main menu, select forge. Select the map you wish to mod. I will be using the map The Pit for an example throughout the tutorial. Once the map the pit has loaded, start forge. You should see the loading screen with your gamertag. Once you are able to move around....

    1) Go into Forge mode.

    2) Select something simple on the objects menu such as a fusion coil. Place the fusion coil anywhere you like.

    3) Once you are satisfied with the placement of your fusion coil you must save as new map. Save the map as something you will remember, such as ??the pit mod?. Save the map and exit the game (do not save the map twice). When you are in the forge lobby check under your maps and make sure your saved map is there. After confirming your map is saved turn off your xbox and ready your computer.

    4) I am using the free Microsoft Transfer Kit (see above) for modding. So for me you have to disconect your HDD from your 360, then plug it into the Datel Transfer Kit and into the computer via usb. (For people using XSATA or XPORT please consult your manuel for connecting your HDD to your computer. If you have any difficulties post a comment at the bottom of the thread). Anyway, connect your HDD to your computer using your XSATA, XPORT, Datel Transfer Cable, etc.

    5) Open up Modders Arsenal AIO.

    6) Click Detect then Xplorer 360

    7) At the top right click Drive then Open then Hardrive or Memcard.

    8) Just wait for about 3-5 seconds and you should see the contents of your hard-drive.

    9) Click the folder called Partition 3. Then click the folder called Content.

    10) Now, the folder(s) you see are your xbox profiles. If you have alot of profiles, you will have alot of folders. There is no way of knowing which folder is which without looking at the contents. So if you forged the map on your main profile (the one you do the most gaming on) that folder will have the most files in it. Do Not Touch the folder with the zeros. Anyway, locate your profile folder in which you forged the map in.

    11) Now you should see all of your files for every game you have played on that profile. There should be two Halo3 folders. The one that has all your Halo3 files should begin with 4D and ends with E6. Click that folder, then click the next folder called 00000000001.

    12) You should now see all of you Halo3 saves which will include maps, films, gametypes, and screenshots. Now click the collum at the top called Date Modified to order all your saves in order from oldest to newest. Your map should be at the bottom. To check if its the right one, look to see if its a usermap file and look at the time/date it was created. Now that you have found the map you will mod, drag the map to you desktop. You should see a progress bar appear saying dumping file.

    13) Once the usermap file is on you desktop, minimize xplorer 360 and open up Forge 2.3. Forge 2.3 is a program created by supermodder911 which allows you to change the name, mod the map, change coordinates, and more, without the need for hex-editing. Once you have Forge2.3 loaded, click file then open. Now choose the usermap you extracted from your HDD,and open it.
    14) This is where you do the actual modding of the user-map. Look at the name to confirm this is the map you made. Also check to see if its the right map by looking at the .map name.

    15) Now the left collum is what is currently on the map. There will be 5 catagories (bloc, equip, scen, vehi, weap). The fusion coil that you placed earlier will be in the bloc catagorie. Click the word bloc, then look for and click the tag objects/gear/human/military/fusion coil/fusion_coil. Notice how the tag has the name of the object in the wording. This is how you identify each tag.

    16) Now you should see in the middle of the screen a white drop-bar with your fusion coil tag inside. To the left of that bar you will see another white drop-bar with the catagorie that that tag belongs in. Fusion coils are in the bloc tag so you will see the word bloc. Click the down arrow next to the word bloc. The drop-bar will expand to display every catagorie that is on the map. In this TUT we are going to swap the fusion coil for a pelican. So scroll down in the drop-bar until you see the scen tag. Click it.

    17) Once you have clicked the scen catagorie, the drop-bar will minimize, and the fusion coil words should vanish. Now click the drop-bar where the fusion coil tag was. You will see everything in the scen catagorie. Scroll down to the bottom until you see the tag objects/vehicles/pelican/pelican_parked/pelican_parked/. As you might have guesed, this tag will spawn a parked pelican from outside the map. Click the pelican tag.

    18) That should be it. If you did it correctly there should be the pelican tag in the drop ??bar. Now at the top press tools then resign all. Done.

    19) Close out of forge2.3. Look on your desktop for the usermap that you just modded. Once you found it, drag the file back into you xplorer360 folder. It should ask you if you wish to overwrite the file. Say yes. A window should pop up saying injecting file with a progress bar. When its finished, your map will be in your hardrive, waiting for you to play on it.

    20) Unplug your hardrive from your XSATA or XPORT or Datel Transfer Kit or etc. Now place your hardrive back into your 360. Turn on your xbox360 and wait. You may see a message on your xbox explaining its having problems with a scratched disk or hardrive problems. Just hit ok and dont worry about it. Now load Halo 3, go to forge, and look for your map. If you didn't alter the name with forge2.3, it should say "The Pit mod". Load the map and start game. If you did it correctly you should have a pelican instead of the fusion coil.

    My New Program(NXE Tools 1.0

    08 January 2009 - 09:30 PM

    Posted Image

    Saves info
    Gets avatar and gamercard(diff styles)
    Compare Avatar to alert to changes**
    Gives link to Gamercard and Avatar
    Share option......** (Any Ideas?)
    Options on to install extensions aka like make your own avatar**

    **still to be coded

    Thanks Korupt Data for General Pre Alpha Testing

    Post ideas comments..Please dont post "All Ready Been Done"