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  • iBotModz CBox


    Member Since 14 Apr 2008
    Offline Last Active Nov 24 2008 03:43 PM

    Posts I've Made

    In Topic: So im the s*** k?

    13 October 2008 - 02:45 PM

    id doubt its from scratch...its probably stocks amarite?

    still looks good though

    In Topic: My Rampant Drug Abuse

    29 September 2008 - 07:49 PM


    c4ds are pretty kl for diff uses

    In Topic: My Rampant Drug Abuse

    29 September 2008 - 07:07 PM

    Simple tags can actually turn out quite good.

    kr0,gugs,slazella is fairly simple stuff but Damn their stuff turns out great.

    In Topic: lmao

    29 September 2008 - 07:03 PM

    what are your other forum names?


    Your name on Tm is Revolution 9? i believe

    i should reinstall ps to show this noob on how to use c4d properly!!!!!

    lmao thats even funnier...what are you going to do spam c4ds get a render do some horrible blending and then throw in some huge disgusting text.

    Lol first learn the basics a bit more then talk, ive seen your tags and they are pretty much s***, Your skills havent changed much since well i met Anarchy on ibm and that was on the OLD ibm which was like 1 year and half ago or two.

    In Topic: My Rampant Drug Abuse

    29 September 2008 - 06:13 PM

    I see where you got the idea from,too repetitive for me.

    but hey its clean and simple