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    I'm Not New But Hello

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    #1 CabooseSayzWTF


      Apprentice Grade 2

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    • 13 posts
    • Joined: 08-January 12

    Posted 23 January 2019 - 02:12 AM

    For those still here, Hello! I am CabooseSayzWTF, I have had a account here for a few years now, but forgot my info forever ago, Peaches helped me get my stuff back via fixing captchas, anyways i'm not new I just never posted much but I was around. Sure the site isn't active and registration is down, however if you are here and reading this I solute you


    You can now post threads again so enjoy it while it last! I have contacted the admins and got them to fix things, thank god, they aren't easy to get ahold of, but i'm glad I did! I'm also glad Peaches fixed the issues, I refused to see this site die out with errors that would soon lead to death. But it's not dead, i'm here, are you?


    Anyways about me, I am a youtuber, I have a little over 4k subs, not much really

    but anyways like most I am a modder, Halo is what got me started, funny enough halo 2 didn't get me started it was actually Halo 3, on the map foundry. I was at my cousins and he showed me a map called "Flooded Foundry"

    map was flooded with fake water and the black doors above the water and a few active tripmines. I remember it because it's what got me started. Modding has helped me in alot of ways! So to whoever made that map, I solute you! You started my life pretty much lol, I have been modding for about 11-12yrs now. Anyways i'm here i'll mostly be active in the halo 2 section


    Halo 2 Mappack Repository: https://ibotmodz.net...ry-2019-active/


    Soon i'll have links to every halo 2 xbox patch i have manged to archive also! Anyways again helllooo


    need anything just PM me, i'll respond when I can!