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    360's Content

    There have been 54 items by 360 (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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    #125039 i lol'd

    Posted by 360 on 16 October 2010 - 01:11 PM in Off-Topic


    Its so funny I forgot to laugh.


    #129616 hey peepz

    Posted by 360 on 05 June 2011 - 12:37 PM in Introductions / Goodbyes

    ... i have xbox and ps3 if u wanna add me so yh lol XD

    psn~ mondays1
    gamertag~ArTiC vEnOmZz

    Hello, and welcome! I will add you when I get my Xbox Live back.

    #126856 The United States, China, and the future

    Posted by 360 on 08 January 2011 - 09:26 PM in General Discussion

    Alright, we all know the US economy is not good, but does anybody think the US will lose it's "superpower status" to China? If you ask me, I think we will, but I don't know the opinion of others. Anyway, what are your thoughts on the US economy and it's status as from how we are today till the future? Do you think China will overtake the US? Do you think the US economy will recover before 2012? 2013? Do you think we will go to war with any other countries in the near future? Do you think we will lose the wars we are in right now? I just wanted to know the thoughts on what others think.

    #126859 The United States, China, and the future

    Posted by 360 on 08 January 2011 - 10:23 PM in General Discussion

    China can't get in a war that is remotely against us. We will default on our debt and they will go bankrupt. lol

    we are outnumbered, but we have a stronger military. besides, both the US and China help each other in many ways, so both countries leaders would be against that, I can almost guarantee that the US and China will never be in a war with each other.

    #127073 Wanna make money with Me and eBay ?

    Posted by 360 on 16 January 2011 - 12:04 PM in General Discussion

    I was looking for people who Have ebay accounts that have their PayPal linked to them and that would like to make a little extra cash.
    We would be selling Windows 7 Product keys for $50.00 Splitting the profitz 50/50 ($25/$25) Per sale.

    Your account must be verified and have a PayPal linked to it.
    I was looking for partners before on other sites and have made some good money with this...

    Just wondering..

    edit: nvm

    #126918 The United States, China, and the future

    Posted by 360 on 11 January 2011 - 12:59 PM in General Discussion

    Just sayin. I don't think we will go to war against each other. I hope not because they make our military hummers now. lol. But it is no joke that they will lose like $400 Billion if we default on our debt.

    I can promise you that China and the United States will not go to war. It won't happen. End of Story. :p

    #127071 China's 'eco-city'

    Posted by 360 on 16 January 2011 - 11:58 AM in General Discussion

    Posted Image CHONGMING ISLAND, China — At the mouth of the Yangtze River, an hour by ferry from Shanghai, a new kind of Chinese city will rise from the mudflats and wetlands. In three years, the island's black-faced spoonbills and other rare birds will share this migratory stop with 25,000 humans, the initial inhabitants of what developers call the world's first "eco-city." If Dongtan Eco-City opens on schedule, it will become a carbon-neutral urban showcase at about the same moment scientists foresee China surpassing the United States as the globe's leading emitter of greenhouse gases. The state-run developer behind the $1.3 billion project envisions three modern villages on Chongming Island, which is about three-quarters the size of Manhattan. The communities will be powered by energy captured from sun, wind, biofuels and recycled organic material. A quarter of the island will be untouched ecological buffer. Grasses will grow on rooftops for natural insulation. Rainwater will be purified for use. Vehicles will operate on clean fuels. Four other Chinese cities plan to build similar eco-zones. London Mayor Ken Livingstone, who visited Dongtan last April, said he wants to build a smaller version along the River Thames.

    Full story can be found here

    I'm starting to hate China.......

    #125014 information on who i really am

    Posted by 360 on 15 October 2010 - 04:07 PM in Off-Topic

    Ok, so a bunch of people here know me as the "Typical *********/Complete Bitch" and i would completely agree with all the people that think I am, My behaviors back in the days were effortless. Some of you may have had the idea of who I really was over the past year and a half, It was quite obvious of who I really was because of my immaturity and stupidity, and constantly flaming other members and cheating, but a few years before that year and half I was just another user. I came here from se7ensins I believe. I really joined in October 2006 but on the profile it says October 8th, 2008.

    I want to see who the first person to guess who I am is, so here is some information about my old account. (Still active/accessible not banned and most likely won't ever be banned) (For some reason I guess the administrators had trouble banning me, I had no control over anything, they say they banned me billions of times but it never worked, not even fattwam or peaches. Anyway just look at the information below to see if you can find out who I really am)

    I acted like a little immature,bitchy,and annoying kid, I constantly flamed other members back when they flamed me about copying and pasting posts from other sites, I had around 200 posts but none are here all have been deleted, My User name consists of 7 letters and it starts with a c oh and I received my first suspension by Dark Slipstream for Copyright Infringement. And I had several accounts all seven letters and 1 number...the numbers are in order on the member list right now I had 1 account with 7 letters, one account with seven letters and the number 1, and another account with seven letters and the number 2. And that's all the information I will list here.

    I just want to see if anyone can find out who I really am.

    #125023 information on who i really am

    Posted by 360 on 15 October 2010 - 05:00 PM in Off-Topic

    I give up.

    look through the members list

    #125019 information on who i really am

    Posted by 360 on 15 October 2010 - 04:46 PM in Off-Topic

    No wrong it starts with a c

    #125027 information on who i really am

    Posted by 360 on 15 October 2010 - 07:16 PM in Off-Topic

    nvm im sorry sir but your stupid anyway im cbpwnrs

    #125026 information on who i really am

    Posted by 360 on 15 October 2010 - 07:14 PM in Off-Topic

    I have. Looked at all the banned. No one beginning with c.

    oh my god can you not read? im not banned on any of the accounts good lord learn to read the whole thing before you comment on anything

    #129527 Sounds for the Shoutbox?

    Posted by 360 on 30 May 2011 - 11:53 PM in Problems / Suggestions

    You know how Facebook has a sound for there "Chat system?" I thought it would be pretty cool if we could throw in the option to add sounds to let you know when someone replied in the Shoutbox. I don't know, just a thought I had.

    #129671 Basic modding tools and tutorials

    Posted by 360 on 08 June 2011 - 12:07 PM in Introductions / Goodbyes

    yes 360

    Alright then, what exactly do you need help with? I didn't really understand your first post. Can you explain it in a little more detail?

    #129664 Basic modding tools and tutorials

    Posted by 360 on 08 June 2011 - 05:58 AM in Introductions / Goodbyes

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm confused.

    It might be cause its 1 am and I'm tired, but are we talking original xbox or 360?

    I am pretty sure he means Xbox 360. I'm not positive, but it says 360 in his description. Just taking a guess.

    #125040 ONI Interface

    Posted by 360 on 16 October 2010 - 01:12 PM in Off-Topic

    What do you mean "wallpapers with some text added into them" ?

    Are you serious?

    #126917 Verizon iPhone 4 Confirmed

    Posted by 360 on 11 January 2011 - 12:55 PM in General Discussion

    Posted Image

    This was confirmed and made public earlier today.



    New 2 year activation, and data pack required

    Beginning February 10, the phone that changed everything will be available on both AT&T and Verizon Wireless in the United States. Qualified Verizon Wireless customers will also have the exclusive opportunity to pre-order iPhone 4 online on February 3, ahead of general availability.

    Whichever network you choose, you’ll get FaceTime video calling, the high-resolution Retina display, a 5-megapixel camera, HD video recording, long battery life, and all the other great features of iPhone 4.

    The pricing for the iPhone 4 is expected to stay the same, the 16GB iPhone 4 will be $199.00 USD and the 32GB iPhone 4 will be $299.00 USD.

    The iPhone 4 that is coming to Verizon won't use Verizon's new "4G LTE" because in order for that to happen, that would force apple to make design and other changes to the iPhone 4, and Verizon customers want the iPhone 4 now.

    FAQ's about the iPhone 4 for Verizon are explained in the link to the side. http://support.vzw.c...iphone_faq.html

    #126943 Verizon iPhone 4 Confirmed

    Posted by 360 on 11 January 2011 - 05:09 PM in General Discussion

    So whats new?

    Still does the same as before right? No new recycled stuff?

    I'm pretty sure it's gonna be the same.

    #126934 Would like a fresh start here

    Posted by 360 on 11 January 2011 - 04:48 PM in Introductions / Goodbyes

    "Ones that forget the past are damned to repeat it again"

    Some book I read, can't remember which.

    "He who controls the past, commands the future."

    "He who commands the future, conquers the past."

    Should I take that as a no from both of you?

    #126923 Would like a fresh start here

    Posted by 360 on 11 January 2011 - 03:55 PM in Introductions / Goodbyes

    Ok, yes I have an awful past here, but I would like it if I could just have a fresh start, im basically saying I want the past to be the past, and the future to be the future, I want the past to be left alone acting like it's not there, like it never happened. If you don't think I deserve a fresh start, that's fine, I understand. I'm just asking everyone if they will at the least consider it. I just want to put the past behind me.

    #126941 Would like a fresh start here

    Posted by 360 on 11 January 2011 - 05:04 PM in Introductions / Goodbyes

    Damn, thats a lot of contradictions...

    So if I was to jump off a building...That controls my future, but my future looks like a splatted body...It's a lie!!

    But yea..Try not to piss people off.

    Alright, your right, I will control myself.

    #126925 Updating title bar depending on user group.

    Posted by 360 on 11 January 2011 - 03:57 PM in Problems / Suggestions

    Not a bad idea.

    #129561 This is getting our of hand

    Posted by 360 on 02 June 2011 - 12:45 PM in Problems / Suggestions

    There are still way too many guests active, we get a pretty decent amount of traffic, but we need to start making people register before they can view the forums. I mean, whats the point? People don't have to register, they can just leech off of us and never have to register. I wouldn't say make this permanent, but I promise you, if you give this a try, you will see a nice increase in members. This is pretty much the last hope. I would seriously consider doing this.

    #129570 This is getting our of hand

    Posted by 360 on 02 June 2011 - 06:59 PM in Problems / Suggestions

    Adding more forums won't happen. You gotta have content and then split those posts into new forums. You just cannot create a new forum and expect people to be like "wow theres a portal 2 forum. I can talk about it now".

    I like letting guests view the forums. Any site that makes me register to see a post is a joke. Communities should not be forced to join. If people don't want to join, then they don't have to.

    Alright then, I guess that seems fair.

    #129602 This is getting our of hand

    Posted by 360 on 04 June 2011 - 01:15 PM in Problems / Suggestions

    And if they're required to join just to see a post, it will only multiply the problem. They'll make a profile, see what they want, then never come back but only about 10x more people.

    Yea I guess you kinda have a point there.