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    cesar13's Content

    There have been 93 items by cesar13 (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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    #104746 .:offical Show Off Ur Desktop Thread:.

    Posted by cesar13 on 30 August 2009 - 11:10 AM in Off-Topic

    Posted Image

    #103753 8 inches deep...

    Posted by cesar13 on 20 August 2009 - 01:32 PM in Showoff

    i lol'ed @ the replies :lol:

    This is some of the worst feedback i have ever gotten.

    N1GGA! STOLE MY YOSHI! lol :thumbsup:

    #104071 Best fking hacker in the world...

    Posted by cesar13 on 23 August 2009 - 03:46 PM in Off-Topic


    :drool: add me on aim :)

    #104066 Best fking hacker in the world...

    Posted by cesar13 on 23 August 2009 - 03:32 PM in Off-Topic


    #104122 Best fking hacker in the world...

    Posted by cesar13 on 24 August 2009 - 05:01 AM in Off-Topic

    She's cute. Who hacked the account?

    I don't really know, though there is a pic of her that got leaked with her having "Add" in print on her boob :drool:

    #105048 CaliModz Framed

    Posted by cesar13 on 31 August 2009 - 09:56 PM in General Discussion

    Wow used to hav epic ppl as the site team. Dont know whats going on but alec shouldnt have been banned. He didnt even make the post frs 3.0 on here. Thats so gay. Im prob gonna get banned but i dont care anymore. If the staffs gonna be gay then w/e. Ill make new account. Youll be banning my ipods ip and ill make new 1 on my comp. So idc anymore. Besides im with calimodz now.

    That is why you use Hotspot Shield, so you can't get banned :drool:

    #105032 CaliModz Framed

    Posted by cesar13 on 31 August 2009 - 06:11 PM in General Discussion

    Exactly the same for me, I have used one of my main accounts and multiple silvers and none of them have been hacked.

    That is exactly what I do. Silver accounts.

    #105028 CaliModz Framed

    Posted by cesar13 on 31 August 2009 - 06:06 PM in General Discussion

    I actually believe that Cali Alec has been framed for making a virus when he hasn't.

    Virus Total: http://www.virustota...b014-1251654559

    Cali Alec is not a lier, and Cali Alec is definitely not a virus spreader.


    I posted the program (Friend Request Spammer) and Decatur deleted it straight away without reading my info on my topic. This meaning that I had proof that it wasn't a virus/worm/etc.

    I use it all the time and nothing has gone wrong.

    #105114 CaliModz Framed

    Posted by cesar13 on 01 September 2009 - 02:26 PM in General Discussion

    Publicly starting a debate thread and taking shots at the staff in the thread is not the way to handle a mistake if there even is one. I'd laugh if you were banned for flaming in this thread. Also, the kid who talked about banning ipod IP's you don't know what you are talking about.

    Does calling someone a kid make you feel as if you surpass the other? Hm? Mr.Unknown age, too p*ssy? to post your age?

    These kind of things piss me off about people. So what if he didn't know what he was talking about. You could politely inform him about it, rather then you flaming him. You may say you were not doing so, but if you read your post carefully, you were in a sense.

    Fking people. After you read this post, I bet you that you are going to check out my profile to see how old I am. :)

    Read my signature if you are ready to call me immature. To be honest, I could really care less. Also, yes I'm an @ss. I take things too far at times, but this is just to give you notice. :drool:

    Let's all be friends here. :)

    #105169 CaliModz Framed

    Posted by cesar13 on 01 September 2009 - 11:04 PM in General Discussion

    the user above me just pwned the world

    I quite disagree. :) I think it's funny, his reply hahahaha.

    Wow I had the best night. HOLY SHIT IF FORGOT I HAD TO TEXT ****!!!!!!!!

    AHHHHHHH! anyways, I can't believe I'm up this late doing homework.

    #105045 CaliModz Framed

    Posted by cesar13 on 31 August 2009 - 09:34 PM in General Discussion

    Hmm... Unban him all this staff does this day is Ban people or neg rep them watch ill get -rep or removal for just positng this

    I agree with you. About the staff.

    #105168 CaliModz Framed

    Posted by cesar13 on 01 September 2009 - 11:01 PM in General Discussion

    Haha and i meant to reply to what easyb said. Not u ceaser

    Haha, okay. I had to re-read your post. I thought you were replying to me. Lulz. And I don't even go to CaliModz, but I know that a modding site such as them have no intention of infecting others.

    #107284 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Achievement List

    Posted by cesar13 on 05 October 2009 - 01:58 PM in Modern Warfare 2

    I am going to standby the fu©k out of this game. I'll be #1! :drool:

    #104056 Capture Card Reviews

    Posted by cesar13 on 23 August 2009 - 02:42 PM in Video Editing



    #105047 Cesar's Resources

    Posted by cesar13 on 31 August 2009 - 09:40 PM in Resources

    Sweet Jesus this is amazing.

    Without this, I wouldn't have my sig :D

    In your sig put cesar's terms. Dumb nutt lol <3 :drool:

    #104999 Cesar's Resources

    Posted by cesar13 on 31 August 2009 - 03:23 PM in Resources

    Can i haz please

    Of course, lol. After all, that is why I re-uploaded the link. I am getting a new pack ready currently.

    #104043 Cesar's Resources

    Posted by cesar13 on 23 August 2009 - 01:14 PM in Resources

    By the way, if I don't get many comments, I won't upload all I have. I may stop at pack 1 or may make the link private by only giving the link to people of those who post in this thread. So keep commenting, as I saw on my other topic of "Who would be interested" There weren't many replies.

    I start school tomorrow, I don't have all day anymore to sit on the computer and upload files. :)

    MSN: emoliciousluvsu@hotmail.com
    AIM: X Out Yur Eyes
    GT: x M i r a c l e

    #104035 Cesar's Resources

    Posted by cesar13 on 23 August 2009 - 12:47 PM in Resources

    I'm getting PSDs together for you guys right now. Just be patient, I am organizing everything right now. I'll post in the shoutbox when something is up. There will be multiple packs I will be uploading. It'll just take time, because, well, uploading is a b!tch.

    Keep watching the thread :drool:

    P.S. Most of the PSDs I'm uploading are ones I've collected through the years of friends/other artists, so respect their work and don't rip. Credit goes to the artists. I will mention if I am the maker. Other than that, if I don't mention anything, then I am not who made them.

    Pack 1
    Status: Currently Uploading Note:Once you download, read the .txt file


    Cesar's Tags(Pack2)

    Info:Now for this pack, I am definitely not releasing untill I get +REP from each individual person that wants it. +REP and PM me that you have, I will make sure you did, and I will PM you the link. There are about 59 PSDs when I counted, I took a few off. They are not pro, they are decent, they have neat tricks I like to do. It should help you learn your way around and give you tips. Also on most of the PSDs I marked the layers that stay hidden in violet. In other words, unecessary layers. I was experimenting. DONE UPLOADING

    POST ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ANY OF THE PSDs! I'll be glad to help you out, explaining what I did if you may not understand. I'll tell you guys right now, I blend a lot of images together, so you'll definitely learn something from this one. Take advantage of blend modes, opacity, and fill + gradient maps, etc.

    About: If someone rips any of my tags/layers WITHOUT PERMISSION, this means you can if you ask, but if you don't ask and I find out I'd like to ask iBotPeaches to ban the person or for a Mod to give me the person's IP so I can hit them offline. I don't want my tags ripped. Respect my request, it's not that hard to follow my rules. Do we have an understanding? Mod/Admit reply to my request about the ban/DDoS :drool:
    Preview: The ones you are able to see are not the only ones in the pack, there were too many to fit them all.
    Posted Image

    The reason I want +REP is so I know you've read what I typed up. Plus, I am giving them out for free, clicking +REP shouldn't be that hard. :D
    You can wear any of my tags in your signature, but you may not change anything on the tag, this meaning, placing your name on my signature. Credit me if you place it in your signature also.

    #105044 Cesar's Resources

    Posted by cesar13 on 31 August 2009 - 09:22 PM in Resources

    Sweet Jesus this is amazing.

    Without this, I wouldn't have my sig :D

    HAHAHAHAHA, wow. Oh well, who cares. As long as it's not an important sig or any of mine, I don't care if you rip really. Just don't rip layers of the PSD lol.

    Lost, that is the definition of a rip. Taking someone elses work and slapping your name on it...

    hahaha :drool:

    My pack is uploading now, I'm posting preview after this post

    #104072 Cesar's Resources

    Posted by cesar13 on 23 August 2009 - 03:49 PM in Resources

    Please upload =D. These are sickkkk

    I appreciate you commenting ^^

    I'll leave the thread be for now, I'll get more packs set, but I won't release untill I see more people comment :drool:

    #104084 Cesar's Resources

    Posted by cesar13 on 23 August 2009 - 05:37 PM in Resources

    Damn, these are awesome

    Thanks a lot dude

    You're welcome :drinks:

    #104201 Cesar's Resources

    Posted by cesar13 on 24 August 2009 - 08:45 PM in Resources



    EDIT: Any chance you can throw up some resources too?

    I started school today and I'm going to be very busy from now on. I hate getting up early, it leads me to get very tired at night really early, around 7 I start falling asleep. I can bearly keep my eyes open. But yes, I'll upload resources/link to stock sites also. when I have time that is :)

    #104304 Console banned.

    Posted by cesar13 on 25 August 2009 - 09:22 PM in Help Desk

    ****, same thing is with me. Never thought I'd miss halo 3 Matchmaking. Anybody want to explain to me how to swap exactly? Most simplest effective process is what I prefer.

    #105555 DVD iPod

    Posted by cesar13 on 07 September 2009 - 06:04 PM in Help Desk

    Blah, so I have this movie on DVD, and my sister wants it on her iPod. Though it comes in files I've never seen. How would I make or convert the files into MPEG-4? (iPOD Format I think?)

    Screenshot of files:

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    +REP to any help. I'd search myself but I really don't even know where to start.

    ~Thanks to whoever helps.

    #106106 Facebook Phisher

    Posted by cesar13 on 15 September 2009 - 04:07 PM in Help Desk

    Does anybody have a facebook phisher they could give me? I've tried setting up my own but I can't get it to work. I've only set up myspace phishers, and that was about 3 years ago.
