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    Repoman 108's Content

    There have been 68 items by Repoman 108 (Search limited from 07-June 23)

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    #58312 Xplorer360

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 25 December 2008 - 08:34 PM in Programs

    i lol'd at your bad spelling

    #43015 Will modders ever get banned?

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 01 September 2008 - 08:31 PM in Help Desk

    my information may be a bit outdated and they may have just learnt to live with us (unlikely) but im pretty sure bungie has been trying and failing to ban modders pretty much since...ever... i mod halo 3 and i havent gotten a single ban, not a fileshare, matchmaking or any other type of ban that exists. so basically if you want to start modding go for it but just remember to keep your mods off your fileshare as much as possible and if you are going to have it widely spread it is probably a good idea to change the authors name...it doesnt have to be that big of a change eg. my GT is Repoman 108 and i might change mine to just plain Repoman cause there are plenty of repomen lol its not specific enough for bungie to find you...basically just be sensible about modding and so long as you dont wave your mods in bungies face you'll probably get away with it

    #42930 Video Of Your Mod? Look No Further

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 01 September 2008 - 05:26 AM in H3 Modding

    sounds good man, im releasing a modpack soon and it could do with a bit of advertisement, you didnt put your GT in that message so if you post it i'll message you, my gamertag is "Repoman 108" and ill have the maps i want filmed and advertised by the end of the week so ill message you somewhere around there. i might make a map with spawning and projectiles at the start which we can then film and add to the end of the montage to add effects but im pretty god damn bad at angles and that crap so ill go with whatever you reckon looks good

    #43039 Video Of Your Mod? Look No Further

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 02 September 2008 - 03:39 AM in H3 Modding

    if anyone wants me to mod stuff, i mod stuff for 1 month gold membership codes... check my bio for info and to the film guy, im nearly finished my mods, at the moment im just fine-tuning them so ill contact you in the next 2 days or so

    #36390 Usermap Whitepaper

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 27 July 2008 - 07:08 PM in Tutorials

    so can someone make a tutorial on how to mod campaign? i mean im not asking for a noob-interface program but that does kinda look confusing to people and you didnt exactly explain how you use it so if someone could make a tutorial for hex editing campaign recent saves (personal) i think a lota people'd thank ya

    #45321 Unreleased Mod (New Bots)

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 22 September 2008 - 05:03 PM in H3 Modding

    ...if this was on the order sheet for walmart then of course you're gonna have to pay...it means that its in a disc and do you rly honestly think that they're gonna give it away free? lol i doubt it will be released and if it is then it will be a disc you have to pay for, the amount depends on the content of the disc. if its a map editor and a few new maps (maybe 2 or 3) then i'd say somewhere around the $50 mark? keep in mind i live in australia so i cant say anything for your exchange rate...DAMN YOU GEORGE BUSH!!!

    #44496 The Unfors33n

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 13 September 2008 - 06:32 PM in Mods

    i rly cant be bothered to go out and take pics of the map but i included a video. i just added it then so quit complaining about video

    #44606 The Unfors33n

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 14 September 2008 - 04:01 PM in Mods

    i rly cant be bothered to go out and take pics of the map but i included a video. i just added it then so quit complaining about video

    thanks. unfortunately this map only works with the One Flag gametype. for some reason the teleporter blocks the flag capture point so multi flag doesnt work. the only thing you need to change about the One Flag gametype thats already in halo 3 is the ridiculously long spawn time. i recommend turning that down from 10 seconds to something like 3

    #44400 The Unfors33n

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 13 September 2008 - 05:01 AM in Mods

    The Unfors33n

    Posted Image

    Made by Repoman 108
    Post written up by Repoman 108 of iBotModz.net

    -inbuilt colourblind/gloomy/juicy fx
    -flood tank forms
    -infection forms
    -invincibility equipment
    -playable on CTF, One Flag
    -flag spawns inside floodtube
    -teles inside tube

    -DOES NOT SUPPORT MUTLIFLAG!!! dont even bother trying. i was going to release this in a modpack but it took me too damn long to make so i decided to just release it now.



    Repoman 108 of iBotModz.net

    #89058 Terminator Salvation

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 15 May 2009 - 07:23 PM in Media

    it dont got arnie in it :( epicsadface

    im voting no.

    #44398 Schitzo

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 13 September 2008 - 03:27 AM in Programs

    i have downloaded this program from a diff site ages ago and as far as halo 3 film modding programs go this is way up the top. highly recommended. but personally. i mod with HxD. it is far more reliable. btw i dont know wtf yu mean by

    in my opinion is the best halo 3 film modder, because of the variety of things that you can do with it e.g. flaming helmets, name changing

    most if not all film modding programs can do that. despite the idiot who posted the program. this is a very good program. download it. and i have modded player names with this program so that they are both less and more characters. it might just be that i have a long name and it fills the blank spots with spaces. but i havent had any trouble. but still its not as fool proof for the basics like flaming helmets and stuff as HxD. if yu get some experience with film modding with HxD then that will become the best way to mod films for yu. it has for me. that is just my insight into film modding.

    #63960 Photoshop CS3 Portable!

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 30 January 2009 - 09:48 PM in Programs

    the links down. any chance of reuploading it?

    #54423 New Achievement

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 29 November 2008 - 03:22 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    wtf is with that post? did you post in the wrong section or something?

    #53766 Modding Installed Games (nxe)

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 25 November 2008 - 05:01 PM in Games

    i installed fable 2 onto my hard drive the other day and just now i was taking a look through the hard drive for it and i found it, its got about 43 files which arent in any type of container, no live/CON/map or pirs markers...does this mean we can mod fable 2 completely? also it has a single isolated file which is a CON file, it is smaller than the others and doesnt contain much info, is it possible to mod installed games? or even just edit a file so you no longer need the disc to play it?

    #54875 Modding Installed Games (nxe)

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 03 December 2008 - 02:58 AM in Games

    there you go

    Attached Files

    #47944 Modded GamerTag

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 10 October 2008 - 10:09 PM in Xbox

    this is different from modding your motto or bio. infact if i hadnt seen the video i wouldnt have thought it was possible. because its an xbox live account your information is stored on the xbox live server. not just in your file

    #68253 L4D DLC

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 17 February 2009 - 11:55 PM in Games

    yeah, i remember reading that it was completely free. because they didnt want to charge PC users money for it, and they thought it would be unfair to charge xbox 360 users for it but not PC users. oh, and the new maps arent really new maps, they just added death toll and dead air to the versus list so you can play versus on death toll and dead air, thats all they mean by "two Versus campaigns" so its hardly a DLC at all, im sure they had to patch the death toll and dead air maps to make them playable for versus, but there arent actually any specifically new maps in this. im looking forward to the gametype though, and to see what playing as a hunter on dead air would be like.

    #96737 How to Restore your account after it being reset

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 26 June 2009 - 06:33 PM in Xbox

    does this work? i recently got reset and didnt feel like modding it again. now i can unlock achievements offline but as soon as it syncs to live it resets them...if i look at my L4D achievements i have like 200Gs worth but not according to my total gamerscore. which is 0. and same goes for fear 2 which used to be like 100 but now is 0 also, except you still see the achievements :\ this resetting business is conundering...

    #39640 [Repoman 108/XxFaTaLGaMerxX] Flooded blackout

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 12 August 2008 - 02:59 AM in Mods

    thanks. hey fatalgamer, why did you only post pictures of the 2nd floor flooded? on the actual map i made theres like the whole map flooded...sorry that the water isnt at the exact right level on all floors but for some reason the sandbox co-ordinates seemed to stick to certain spots... thats the closest i could get it

    #43375 [Pacific Currents] Map Pack

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 05 September 2008 - 12:50 AM in Mods


    links now work. pics are added and its in the right format...move it back to H3 Mods now...btw in the thing for formatting wats with all the hashes? lol

    #43544 [Pacific Currents] Map Pack

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 06 September 2008 - 07:59 PM in Mods

    cheers fatalgamer. also i wasnt too sure about the new "Im a Comin'" adjustment of the invisible barriers. so you guys let me know what you think about them and if they need tweaking. i added them so that if you're playing fat kid you cant just jump down and spawn rape him

    #43449 [Pacific Currents] Map Pack

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 05 September 2008 - 08:13 PM in Mods


    updated "Cleaner Streets" and "Im a Comin'" so there are no needlers on the map. on "Im a Comin'" i added invis barriers to deter players from jumping down and spawn raping the fat kids. mancannons updated to make the jump smoother.

    thanks for the comments guys. i know there arent many modded infection maps out there and id really like to see more infection games so i combined the two things about halo 3 i like best and made some playable infection mods...

    #43247 [Pacific Currents] Map Pack

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 04 September 2008 - 02:15 AM in Mods

    hey im Repoman 108 and im releasing a mod pack. the pack is called Pacific Currents because nearly all the maps are flooded. the only map which isnt flooded is a minigame and the reason i didnt flood it is because it would ruin a significant part of the game...

    anyway my mod pack includes Cleaner Streets, Im a Comin', Race Track, Industrial Firm and Basketball Mini.

    Cleaner Streets
    Made by Repoman 108
    Post written up by Repoman 108 of iBotModz.net

    -assault, CTF and most infection gametypes (fatkid mainly). mods;

    gauss turrets
    chaingun turrets
    yellow lights
    needler ammo
    invis machine gun turret
    invis plasma cannon
    assault bomb
    CTF flag
    deployable cover active
    wraith shot
    and the map is flooded

    Posted Image

    Im a Comin'
    Made by Repoman 108
    Post written up by Repoman 108 of iBotModz.net

    -assault, CTF and all infection game types (YAY FATKID!!!). mods;

    gauss turrets
    chaingun turrets
    AAwraith turrets
    invis machine gun turrets
    yellow lights
    CTF flags
    assault bombs
    spartan clones
    elite clones
    and the map is flooded

    Posted Image

    Race Track
    Made by Repoman 108
    Post written up by Repoman 108 of iBotModz.net

    -playable modded racetrack. need i say more? just play with slayer or team slayer. mods;

    needler ammo
    invis barriers
    sidewinder man cannon
    flooded map

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Industrial Firm
    Made by Repoman 108
    Post written up by Repoman 108 of iBotModz.net

    -assault, CTF and some infection games. mods;

    gauss turrets
    chaingun turrets
    missilepod turrets
    assault bombs
    CTF flags
    spartan clones
    elite clones
    needler ammo
    flooded map

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Basketball Mini
    Made by Repoman 108
    Post written up by Repoman 108 of iBotModz.net

    -this is a minigame which goes something like basketball... basically you spawn in a room with a teleporter in it...use it...you will end up in an enclosed room with the ceiling closing in on you. you must throw as many of the skullz out the 4 windows before the whole room is blocked. you get different points for different windows and different rings 'hoops'.

    mancannon window:

    outer ring-5pts
    inner ring-10pts

    top window:

    outer ring-3pts
    inner ring-8pts



    you may change the scoring point system if you want.


    yellow lights
    needler ammo

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    i hope you enjoy these maps. they took me a while to make. if there are any bugs please tell me. so far i only know of a few tiny little things which COULD be tweaked but i cant b bothered seeing as theyre not rly worth it...


    fileshare DLs:
    Cleaner Streets
    Im a Comin'
    Race Track
    Industrial Firm
    Basketball Mini
    Slam Dunk!


    Repoman 108 of iBotModz.net

    Attached Files

    #43758 [iTz Sphere] Icy Storage

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 08 September 2008 - 03:28 PM in Mods

    wasnt that my mod map?

    #47946 [How-To] Active Equipment Mod

    Posted by Repoman 108 on 11 October 2008 - 01:07 AM in Tutorials

    anyone with half a brain could figure this out