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    Goth's Content

    There have been 31 items by Goth (Search limited from 03-July 23)

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    #121891 Halo 3 - Campaign modding.

    Posted by Goth on 27 July 2010 - 03:25 AM in H3 Modding

    Hey guys, i've been modding campaign for about 2 days now. i use to be a serious halo 2 modder, And i just got a jtag a few weeks ago, and i've been modding halo 3 eversince. Getting better every hour.

    When i'm done with this project i will release it here. Everymap in campaign will be modded, and for the non-jtagers i'm gonna Make gamesaves. Just Request it.

    Alright so, what i have here is, i need to know how i can make a driveable longsword, on the ark, i'm currently halfway done with the project.

    I'm editing it in Alteration. if there is another program out there, that's more like Dothalo, let me know.

    If you would like to help me in this project, post here saying so. i'm just making people have fun in halo single player.

    #123198 Halo 3 - Campaign modding.

    Posted by Goth on 23 August 2010 - 11:51 PM in H3 Modding

    I would like a gamesave mod that lasts the whole campaign so i can beat it on legendary solo. if you can thx.

    No problem. I am roughly adding about 1 thing or 2 things per day now. because my jtag is red ringed. so i can't test but i will get it fixed this week and send you my saves.

    #123616 Halo reach retail iso

    Posted by Goth on 02 September 2010 - 07:37 PM in Reach Modding

    Halo Reach .ISO Warning ! By Dan

    "that has to do with downloading the iso"

    #123307 Halo reach hacked xex problem

    Posted by Goth on 25 August 2010 - 05:32 PM in Halo Reach

    i went online on halo reach on a £10 kv and it said i had too many credits and it put them down to 15000 sargent grade 2 can someone upload one that you can use online?

    Theres a hacked xex? link me to it. pm.

    #123218 Modded Map Names

    Posted by Goth on 24 August 2010 - 06:53 AM in Reach Tutorials

    m70 Ooo, i wonder what that's About "pillar of autumn" cant wait to play.

    #110305 (Reward) Need all new maps.

    Posted by Goth on 05 December 2009 - 11:53 PM in Modding

    I need all NEW maps that are MODDED but the only mod in it is

    1.) Rapid fire

    And nothing else, basicly just take all the new maps, clean, And then only add rapid fire, no skins, nothing. just rapid fire.

    The reward is the knowledge on how to mod in matchmaking.
    (Without getting kicked out)

    I have told ibotpeaches the method, so he can proove it.