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    There have been 58 items by dschu012 (Search limited from 30-June 23)

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    #55352 Programming Help Please.

    Posted by dschu012 on 07 December 2008 - 11:19 AM in Help Desk

    I'm not sure... :D

    I made one in VB.NET, but it didn't work, so unless .NET can be disabled... :)

    Can you do this for a command prompt.

    Okay so here is how to make a command prompt for at school or work (simple and to the point)

    Step #1
    go to where your school/job keeps your notepad

    Step #2
    open it up

    Step #3
    type "cmd.exe"

    Step #4
    click on save as...

    Step #5
    save it as "command.bat" DONT FORGET THE ".bat"!!!!!!!!!

    Step #6
    now just go to where you saved it and go ahead and use the command prompt for whatever you need to use it for

    #23810 .map resigner

    Posted by dschu012 on 16 June 2008 - 09:17 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Even if we get the key, thats only like the "hint" key. Then we can decode/decrypt with it. Its like National Treasure 2. We have to steal the key, then decode it.

    Good movie.

    #35964 lolcats Screenshot

    Posted by dschu012 on 25 July 2008 - 06:53 PM in H3 Modding

    K I should put up those tonight. I have no clue how you put screenshots up as different names, but some people are doin git.

    The same way you change names on forge maps and gametypes probably.....

    #26336 [Nuklear & Jacob] BR Arena v4

    Posted by dschu012 on 22 June 2008 - 06:40 PM in Mods

    Higher walls would be nice so it can support other weapons. I can see people getting blown out with rockets or hit out with a hammer. But otherwise I like it.

    I use the biggest walls they have on the map. -.-

    I realized that the walls go through the map completely blocking access to lower center part of the map.

    Can't you stack?

    #26117 [Nuklear & Jacob] BR Arena v4

    Posted by dschu012 on 22 June 2008 - 11:36 AM in Mods

    Higher walls would be nice so it can support other weapons. I can see people getting blown out with rockets or hit out with a hammer. But otherwise I like it.

    #36096 The Elevator Jump ~ Tutorial by BlackXhorneT

    Posted by dschu012 on 26 July 2008 - 09:08 AM in Halo 3 / ODST

    wow never seen that b4. pretty cool

    #18182 Looking to buy a 360 dev/XDK

    Posted by dschu012 on 29 May 2008 - 09:22 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    It is not worth it if your just gonna use it for halo 3 crap.

    #49864 Microsofts new F-bomb beeper

    Posted by dschu012 on 22 October 2008 - 09:53 PM in Xbox

    No way this can work.

    I can't wait.

    Agreed. I bet it will be really buggy. Some words sound so similar that it will bleep out words not meant to.

    Where'd you get this info I haven't heard it mentioned anywhere else?

    #30786 Halo 3 Weapon Database

    Posted by dschu012 on 05 July 2008 - 10:41 AM in H3 Modding

    jeez there is a lot of weapons when you actually see them in a list like that

    #29134 Light Maps (Daily Modders)

    Posted by dschu012 on 30 June 2008 - 04:01 PM in H3 Modding


    #83759 How do you force skip in Matchmaking?

    Posted by dschu012 on 24 April 2009 - 11:26 AM in Help Desk

    Im playing living dead and Im sick of playing Original DLC, and I wanna skip everything thats not mythic. :D
    So, how would I go about doing this?
    Im pretty sure it has to do with blocking the map from being played or something... :huh:

    One of my friends has to go through and load each DLC map in a custom game before he can play them. If he doesn't load them up they get skipped when we get them in Matchmaking. I dunno how he does it but it is something along those lines.

    #16691 Obstacle Course Mod Released!

    Posted by dschu012 on 22 May 2008 - 10:35 PM in H3 Modding

    cool, will try it out

    #30574 Shade's Resigner

    Posted by dschu012 on 04 July 2008 - 10:19 AM in Programs

    On vista it looks uber. Too bad I run XP. Whats big and small icon for?

    and the checkbox next to the profile ID mean?

    Nice post. +REP.

    Size of the picture next to the save when browsing through your saved game info on the Xbox? Not sure but just a guess.

    You can probably save multiple profiles ID's so you can resign it to whatever profile you want. And unknown owner would resign it so that people wouldn't be able to find out the original save owner (anonymize the save).

    Those are all just assumptions I haven't actually downloaded it yet.

    #62909 i am thinking of making a program...

    Posted by dschu012 on 25 January 2009 - 02:14 PM in Xbox

    they all start with usermapxxxxxx or filmxxxxxx so its kinda easy to sort them and give extensions :)
    it will also include automatically find all halo files on the hdd and copy them to their respective folders, same for putting it back on the hdd..easy :)
    i just hope i can get it to work with the fatx filesystem >.<

    I think you are in over your head with this. Trying to read the HDD is way too complex.

    #63020 Looking for renaming program

    Posted by dschu012 on 25 January 2009 - 09:37 PM in Programs

    Thanks that does what I need, but i need to create a list for it to rename.

    It doesn't rename?

    Worked perfectly for me.

    Before I click the button

    Posted Image

    After clicking the button

    Posted Image

    #63750 :O ---> B)

    Posted by dschu012 on 29 January 2009 - 07:19 PM in Off-Topic

    too bad their fugly.


    #63055 Looking for renaming program

    Posted by dschu012 on 26 January 2009 - 08:36 AM in Programs

    I has vista, is that the problem?

    Maybe I don't have vista so can't really test it on that. Vista has all type of security things preventing you from doing stuff that can easily be done on XP.

    #36098 Valhalla Jump tactic vid made by me

    Posted by dschu012 on 26 July 2008 - 09:12 AM in Halo 3 / ODST

    I've never been able to get that jump, i've tried before but doesn't work for me

    You can't crouch when you are on the slant, it will make you slide down. It is easier to do the jump if you don't crouch at all during it.

    #63012 Looking for renaming program

    Posted by dschu012 on 25 January 2009 - 09:15 PM in Programs


    Only renames files in the directory you pick. If you want it to go into more directorys and such just tell me and I might work on that for you.

    #88337 (C#) Linear Searching

    Posted by dschu012 on 12 May 2009 - 12:11 PM in Coding / Development

    A recursive function is a function that calls itself.

    //C++ Returns the Greatest Common Denominator
    int gcd(int x, int y)
      if (y == 0)
    	 return x;
    	 return gcd(y, x % y); //calls itself

    What you posted is a linear search

    #89143 (VB.NET & C#) Executing A File

    Posted by dschu012 on 16 May 2009 - 08:42 AM in Coding / Development

    You can also run the process with arguments if acceptable.

    Process.Start("firefox.exe","-url www.ibotmodz.net");

    #30768 Tag for lights

    Posted by dschu012 on 05 July 2008 - 09:07 AM in H3 Modding

    objectsphysicsnutblocker_1x1x2nutblocker_1x1x2 = WRONG

    It's tower_pulse = Blue Tower Pulse Shot = E9DB0865
    tower_pulse = Blue Shiney Pulse Orb = E9E60870

    He is looking for the tag for the stars up in the sky. Somehow what you posted doesn't seem to be stars.

    And on standoff it is those flashing lights around the satellite dish.

    #36686 Usermap Whitepaper

    Posted by dschu012 on 28 July 2008 - 09:39 PM in Tutorials

    This you can try/succeed in modding campaign by knowing exactly where the objects/everything is to modify.

    Basically it's a list of "offsets" instead of "identifiers" that tell you WHERE to modify.

    Hope this cleared a few things up.

    This whitepaper is for usermaps, meaning forge variants. You can use this information to mod forge variants, like changing the coordinates where something spawns and such without having to use those programs other people have made.

    #30808 Mod cold storage b4 it comes out?

    Posted by dschu012 on 05 July 2008 - 11:55 AM in H3 Modding

    How are people getting these forge variants in advance?

    #88232 (C#) Loops

    Posted by dschu012 on 11 May 2009 - 09:56 PM in Coding / Development

    Should just be called a for loop not "for next". While your at it why not cover do while (they can be helpful) and foreach.