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    dschu012's Content

    There have been 58 items by dschu012 (Search limited from 04-July 23)

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    #49674 Tutorial: How to install lights in your console

    Posted by dschu012 on 21 October 2008 - 01:00 PM in Tutorials

    Whatever is in his xbox is not a LED in that picture.

    #24570 How do you...

    Posted by dschu012 on 18 June 2008 - 05:09 PM in H3 Modding

    http://www.xbox.com/en-AU/support/xbox3 ... ration.htm

    Free, I've heard it works.

    #55352 Programming Help Please.

    Posted by dschu012 on 07 December 2008 - 11:19 AM in Help Desk

    I'm not sure... :D

    I made one in VB.NET, but it didn't work, so unless .NET can be disabled... :)

    Can you do this for a command prompt.

    Okay so here is how to make a command prompt for at school or work (simple and to the point)

    Step #1
    go to where your school/job keeps your notepad

    Step #2
    open it up

    Step #3
    type "cmd.exe"

    Step #4
    click on save as...

    Step #5
    save it as "command.bat" DONT FORGET THE ".bat"!!!!!!!!!

    Step #6
    now just go to where you saved it and go ahead and use the command prompt for whatever you need to use it for

    #35964 lolcats Screenshot

    Posted by dschu012 on 25 July 2008 - 06:53 PM in H3 Modding

    K I should put up those tonight. I have no clue how you put screenshots up as different names, but some people are doin git.

    The same way you change names on forge maps and gametypes probably.....

    #23810 .map resigner

    Posted by dschu012 on 16 June 2008 - 09:17 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Even if we get the key, thats only like the "hint" key. Then we can decode/decrypt with it. Its like National Treasure 2. We have to steal the key, then decode it.

    Good movie.

    #30344 Superaison's resigner for other gamesaves

    Posted by dschu012 on 02 July 2008 - 08:24 PM in Xbox

    I tried using superaison's resigner for a game save for orange box that I got off of xss. The reason being is that apparently to use the xss resigner you need to donate or contribute to the site. However after I resigned the saves with my profile ID and device ID and loaded up the game, I couldn't load the saves. This is my first time trying to resign something other than a halo 3 forge map and was wondering if there is something with the save on xss or why I couldn't see the saves I am supposed to.

    #26336 [Nuklear & Jacob] BR Arena v4

    Posted by dschu012 on 22 June 2008 - 06:40 PM in Mods

    Higher walls would be nice so it can support other weapons. I can see people getting blown out with rockets or hit out with a hammer. But otherwise I like it.

    I use the biggest walls they have on the map. -.-

    I realized that the walls go through the map completely blocking access to lower center part of the map.

    Can't you stack?

    #26117 [Nuklear & Jacob] BR Arena v4

    Posted by dschu012 on 22 June 2008 - 11:36 AM in Mods

    Higher walls would be nice so it can support other weapons. I can see people getting blown out with rockets or hit out with a hammer. But otherwise I like it.

    #17373 I want YOUR suggestions!

    Posted by dschu012 on 26 May 2008 - 06:45 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    I think one shade turret on guardian up on sniper3 by the fusion coil might make for a decent tower of power game. I dunno tho because you can really test it out. I say shade turret because its non-detachable.

    #17372 I want YOUR suggestions!

    Posted by dschu012 on 26 May 2008 - 06:43 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    1 shot kill is already possible.

    Also, can you make an infection variant where zombies movement speed is 999% and gravity 5%?

    No i actually mean one shot kill with every weapon, really 1% health or something like that, you shoot one plasma rifle bolt at someone and they die.

    Im pretty sure they have that.


    Posted by dschu012 on 05 July 2008 - 11:51 AM in H3 Modding

    So can everyone in the game see this or only the host?

    #82888 [request] LIVE vision gamerpic

    Posted by dschu012 on 19 April 2009 - 03:16 PM in Xbox

    But this way, you could make a LEGO gamerpic! :D

    Imagine that! A LEGO gamerpic!

    Lol I'm pretty sure that isn't what you mean

    #82857 [request] LIVE vision gamerpic

    Posted by dschu012 on 19 April 2009 - 12:16 PM in Xbox

    If you can take a picture and make it your gamerpic, could you just take a picture of another gamerpic to legally get any gamerpic you want? :D

    There is programs to get any gamerpicture you want...

    #29136 Halo Mods Database (HMDB.ibotmodz.net)

    Posted by dschu012 on 30 June 2008 - 04:04 PM in H3 Modding

    Looking nice

    #33094 Halo Mods Database (HMDB.ibotmodz.net)

    Posted by dschu012 on 16 July 2008 - 07:27 PM in H3 Modding

    You can look at mods by map, film, screenshot, etc...... but not gametype...

    #87032 Xbox Live Statistics Grabber v2 (DotNetBar)

    Posted by dschu012 on 06 May 2009 - 04:43 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Would be cool if it actually grabbed stats like the name states it does. Instead of just using a webbrowser control and navigating to your stats page.

    #62569 Gamerpic modding-help-

    Posted by dschu012 on 23 January 2009 - 12:38 PM in Xbox

    Ohh lmao, well thank you and yeah theres not much you could add to it anyway.

    It's a bit buggy and some CON resigners complain saying it isn't a valid CON file because I left out some information in the files that wasn't entirely necessary.

    #62406 Gamerpic modding-help-

    Posted by dschu012 on 22 January 2009 - 06:31 PM in Xbox

    There is a .map iso injector, does that mean we can .map mod on a retail xbox?

    No. But gamer pictures can be stored in CON files. All gamer pictures on xbox live are stored on their server and when you select your gamer picture they load the gamer picture with the same filename in the CON file from their servers. The gamer picture injector just searchs through Xbox's website and tries to find all of the pictures for a certain game. From finding them on the website it can also find this unique filename for the picture. It will then put the pictures into a CON file with this filename and the picture (though putting the picture in the CON file is not necessary). So if your connected to Xbox Live it will then load the correct image from their servers or if you are not it will assign whatever picture is in the CON file.

    #62446 Gamerpic modding-help-

    Posted by dschu012 on 22 January 2009 - 09:37 PM in Xbox

    Thank you for clearing this up.

    Btw who made that program anyway? its very clever lol

    Lol. I made it... Still some error in it tho but I've stopped working on it because I don't really care about it all that much anymore.

    #63056 Covies Neutral Flag

    Posted by dschu012 on 26 January 2009 - 08:48 AM in Mods

    I would have thought that someone would have made one in all this time

    and I think I heard of that headhunter gametype after I read the descritpion

    Ya didn't seem to be a big hit. I loved it in Halo 2 but it doesn't seem to play as well in Halo 3. Maybe with quicker respawns or something it might play better.

    #62991 Covies Neutral Flag

    Posted by dschu012 on 25 January 2009 - 08:05 PM in Mods

    yeah, thanks, I was surprised when I realized that none were ever made(or released)

    we've needed this GT in halo 3


    Made and released about 6 months ago.

    #15393 Halo 3 Resigner

    Posted by dschu012 on 16 May 2008 - 03:12 PM in H3 Modding

    That forum doesnt work. They never sent me an activation link for my account.

    #71885 .::Fun with Projectile Speeds::.

    Posted by dschu012 on 01 March 2009 - 10:59 PM in H3 Modding

    Why care if he has made progress or not in Halo or not. He made a video that he thought was cool (it looked pretty cool) and wanted to share it. Why does everyone have to flame about any map modding video posted anywhere?

    #85285 My Halo 3 Beta Extractions!

    Posted by dschu012 on 30 April 2009 - 01:03 PM in H3 Modding

    Are you guys using ZTeams (ShadowSpartan, Choking Victim, CtrlAltDestroy) application to rip the Models?
    If so I would have thought you would have given them credit.... :huh:

    Prob not since they are ripping from the beta. Hasn't ZTeam ripped from retail?

    #30786 Halo 3 Weapon Database

    Posted by dschu012 on 05 July 2008 - 10:41 AM in H3 Modding

    jeez there is a lot of weapons when you actually see them in a list like that