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H2 Modding Programs

These are any type of programs that help you mod Halo 2 faster or better.

22 files

  1. Ocular

    Like Viprone, this tool makes every non-host player able to see your projectile swaps. Only one difference, this tool does it right. You can apply visibility before, after, or while you mod your map. H2 Ocular has hours of research behind it. Much different than Viprone; Viprone takes meta from the rocket launcher. H2 Ocular changes one Int32 value that makes the projectile visible. All research was done by myself. This tool works 100% on every weapon, and does them all 100% properly. Trust me, your going to be happy.
    1. Open your map in H2 Ocular (File->Open)
    2. Check each weapon you want to make visible(to non-host players)
    3. Go to: Queue -> Engage Visible
    4. Exit



  2. Effect Editor

    Pictures of Results:



  3. Halo 2 Internalize Bitmap

    Halo 2 Internalize Bitmap
    Many of you have probably used my bitmap internalizer that I made in VB6 and you also have probably complained about it being so slow. Well no more this program will internalize any bitmap and is lightning fast. IT ALWAYS INTERNALIZES PROPERLY AND IS SERENITY COMPATIBLE.
    How to use:
    -Open Map
    --Select Bitmap
    ---Click Internalize
    ----Select the shared map the bitmap is coming from
    ---Click ok when it says done
    --Close program
    -Open in whatever editor you are using and do whatever you want
    Thanks to:
    ---As always Jefff and GlitchyGuardian for teaching me how to code
    ---Iron Forge for his white paper and tutorial
    ---Xbox7887 for helping me with the origonal program on what to do
    ---And anyone I might have forgotten
    If you have any problem post them here and I will see what I can do.

    This is a not virus. The certificate for the decrypted CodeVelli expired. It is fine.



  4. Main Menu Editor

    Main Menu Editor
    Here is a little app I made for someone on request so i thought id release it here to. It has some cool features that it performs on the main menu
    -Add new mp and sp maps to the main menu
    -Ability to disable a map slot in one click
    -Remove blue filter easily
    -Remove the fly camera
    -Enable no starting weapon as an option
    -Allows you to choose a scolling speed for the main menu logo(very cool)
    -Will grab the scenario name from the map you are adding(for you lazy people Wink )
    -Resigns the map
    -To my knowledge there isnt any

    Monkey Terd - Inspiration to make the program
    xxANTMANxx - for his programming tutorials they were a great help Very Happy



  5. Banshee Barrier Editor

    Banshee Barrier Editor
    Yay new app Very Happy This app will let you edit the banshee ceiling height that is in place on most maps
    To use:
    -Open your map in this app and select a bsp tag
    -Then set the ceiling hight to the desired Z cord and hit save
    How to do it manually:
    -Copy down the sbsp offset from a program like ADI
    -Then go to that offset and move forward an other 48 bytes(dec)
    -You will now be at a float value, just change it to your desired z cord
    - Now edits the banshee floor



  6. DotHalo v1

    Made by: Farklem
    DotHalo is a Halo 1 and Halo 2 map modding program. This program requires .NET Framework. If the program does not load, go to Microsoft and get .NET Framework.
    Ok well here is DotHalo (aka H2Edit). There are bugs and incomplete items in the program but for the most part everything works. Over the last week I have been deciding how to move forward with this project and I finally came up with a solution. I will continue work on DotHalo but I will be starting from scratch. Part of the reason is that it will give me a chance to clean up the code and make it run faster. Since I have only been programming for 3 months, I had alot of things to learn and this program wasn't made as professionally as I would have liked it to be. So I am going to re-make it and make it much better. I am looking for help on this new project so if you are interested, please contact me.
    Map Version Compatability:

    Halo 1(xbox NTSC and PAL)
    Halo 1(PC/Mac)
    Halo 1(CE)
    Halo 2(xbox NTSC and PAL)

    Current Features:

    1. Meta Extraction (Regular, Recursive and, Batch).
    2. Meta Injection.
    3. Tag Editor (Supports HMT, HHT, and CH2R plugins).
    4. Dependency/LoneID swapping.
    5. Insert blank space into meta.
    6. Fixes the Encryption Signature (automaticly does this when the map is closed and changes have been made).
    7. Extracts, view, and injects most bitmaps.
    8. Extracts most sounds.
    9. Hex Utilities (+magic, -magic, swap endian and, convert between hex and dec).
    10. Hex Editor (only views hex, does not save changes yet).
    11. Generate Offset List.

    Changes from Beta 2 to Beta 3:

    1. Halo 1 map compatability.
    2. Tag searching.
    3. Built in PPF Patch Make and Apply.
    4. Add new map to mainmanu.map and change map description.
    5. Hex Editor.
    6. Halo 1(xbox) map compressing/decompressing.
    7. Ident swapping (finally!).
    8. Click on a dependency that points to raw data and see the raw data editor for that tag.
    9. Generate Offset list has been added.
    10. Added Generate Offset List.

    Changes from Beta 1 to Beta 2:

    1. Lots of bug fixes.
    2. Bitmap Viewing, extracting, and injecting.
    3. Now handels the bsp(s) meta (You can extract the bsp meta or changes the dependencies within the app). It doesn't extract an editable mesh!
    4. The encryption signature is fixed when the map is closed (only if changes have been made to the map) or you can choose to fix is manually.
    5. Meta extracting and injecting now using xml files for dependencies instead of a text file.
    6. Added Insert Blank space into meta.
    7. Sound extracting (doesn't work for all tags or external tags)

    Known bugs or issues:

    1. P8 and A8 bumpmaps don't extract yet.
    2. Some sounds won't extract (If the size is negative, it won't work).
    3. Does not handle Halo 1 raw data yet.
    4. Sometimes making changes in the tag editor causes the application to not want to close.

    Future Features:

    1. Map rebuilding.
    2. Sound injection.
    3. A help system with Tutorials.
    4. As Allways, find bugs and fix them.




    Warning: This application may eat your maps. I take no responsibility for what it does. lol



  7. Profane

    Made by: Prey
    Purpose: A full map editor much like ADI or Entity.
    Defining Features: Read the .htm file found in the build folder for info on these. Apart from that, it has a cexy UI
    Unfinished: Ugh too much.








  8. Blu

    Made by: Prey
    Purpose: Allows you to edit the unicode of the 8 different languages within the .map file.
    Defining Feature: Allows for longer unicode strings
    Unfinished: I never had the time to finish mapping out all of the 'image codes' - many are done, many are not :-/





  9. Serenity 3.3

    Serenity 3.3
    Made by: Iron Forge
    (This patches .serenity patches)
    I stumbled upon a mod that wouldn't work with Serenity, despite looking like it should...Turns out it created more than 16M of patch data for a single block...I guess I never really thought this would happen, so I added support for it...Looking at the map, it turned out the large patch block was caused by a poorly built map, rather than actually changing 16M worth of data...Had this patch been built differently, it would have cut around 26M (pre-compression) off the patch...Thought I'd explain somewhat how and why this happens...
    Patches are done by a byte by byte comparison without any sync. So if you take the data abcdefgh, and change it to abcxefgh, the patch will store offset 4, change 1 byte to x...Now, if you take the same data, abcdefgh, and change it to abcdefghx, the patch will store offset 9, change 1 byte to x, or add 1 byte x to end of data, depending on the patch format...Now, because patches do not have sync, if you take the data abcdefgh, and change it to xabcdefgh, the patch is forced to store offset 1, change 9 bytes to xabcdefgh...Because the data is shifted, when creating the patch it will compare x to a, a to b, b to c, and so on, finding that every byte has changed...This is the same for all patch formats, ppf, sppf, or serenity...
    Now, where these formats differ, is blocking...Blocking involves breaking data up into set blocks, which minimizes the effects of shifting to a single block...PPF is the base patch format, and because it is not file format specific, only has one block...What this means is, if a single byte is added to the beginning of the file, the shifting effect is seen throughout the entire file...SPPF steps this up a notch, by splitting halo 2 map files into 4 blocks...So any shifting done in any block, will be localized to that block...For example, if a single byte is added to the sound data, ppf would see the effects of shifting well into the meta block, making for extremely large patches...SPPF however, would only see shifting till shortly after the BSP data...So none of the bitmap data, or meta data would have to be included in the patch due to shifting...The major downfall with SPPF, is that the block sizes vary greatly, because their start/end points must be found within the map file header to maximize compatibility...
    Now for Serenity...In compliant mode, Serenity will break the map into approximately 35 blocks, plus a separate block for every tag in the map...Thus any changes made to any tag, will be localized, and not effect other tags after it in the map...To have this kind of precision however, the map file must be nearly flawless, so that Serenity has access to all the proper data, and can find correct starting and ending points...Serenity in compliant mode will actually allow holes, as long as they are contained on either side with correct data...So a hole in the center of the bitmap data will be acceptable...Then there is non-compliant mode...This mode treats the entire meta as a single block...It is also much less strict on out of order data and holes, though the lowest offset for data must be in the correct order relative to the rest of the map...What this means, is that sound data can be injected anywhere in the map, as long as sound data exists at offset 2048 where the sound data should start...And model data can be anywhere in the map, as long as the first bit of model data exists after sound data, and before other data...It's fairly easy to get a map to work with non-compliant mode if attempted...
    New in Serenity v3.30 is NFG Mode...This will basically use the same 4 points as an sppf patch for those of you who are poor excuses for modders, don't care about the size of mod you're forcing people to get, and in general horrible human beings...This will allow you to take full advantage of the features Serenity provides, though it will mean for larger patches than the other 2 Serenity modes, which will usually prevent from halomods hosting, and thus additions to the serenity repository...It also means SPPF can be phased out the same way PPF has been, and we can all sleep easier at night...








  10. Function Color Editors

    FCE V.3.1 Released!
    Made by:JacksonCougAr

    Thanks Eternal for testing this for me.
    Version 3.1!

    Added an experimental "Auto-save" feature; post any bugs here.
    Added icons to some controls and the menus.
    Added a "filter" that removes any shaders that do not have functions from the tag tree until you re-open the map.
    Fixed some UI stuff.
    Added a resign option!

    Version 3.0!

    Search function now works!
    Colour-picker window added! Click the preview box under the RGB values to open it.

    Version 2.0!

    Colour previews are updated as you edit now.
    The search function does NOT work -- yet.

    What it does:

    Edits colour values of "Shader Effects".
    Some examples of this would be:
    HUD Colour, Warthog dash (The animated radar, the speedometer),
    overshield colour, illumination colour of the plasma rifle meter (the
    meter you see on the model, in-game), and many more!


    Supermodder911 - For all his Hard Work, Help, Blood and Sweat shared with the Development of this application.
    DeToX - For being a friend, helping me learn C#, putting up with my constant questioning, and helping Develop this application.
    Xzodia - For help with my code, and for letting me use his awesome
    libraries, they made my life easier once I got used to em!
    To Argon and DS for helping with the research I needed to make this application happen.
    To anybody else I may have forgotten who had any small or larger part in the creation of this application.



  11. Sav3r

    Made by: Jefff
    Sav3r is a Halo 2 gametype/profile editor. Here is a beta release. It cannot edit names yet and it cannot open profiles. Please post any comments/suggestions/errors/flames. It doesn't support and will never support the auto-reload hack, so don't suggest it.
    Thanks mostly to wyvez for taking time to find the offsets so I don't have to. Thanks also to Aequitas for the hex codes for the name.
    BTW, You need to open something before you can change anything. You cannot fill in the values and select save gametype and make a gametype from scratch. The blocked out values are gametype specific and will become selectable one you open a gametype that uses them.

    UPDATE: It can view names, it can't change them. Check out the format of codes.ini and see if you want to convert Aequitas' codes to that format.
    UPDATE: It can view names, and change them. It can't view a list of the ones in codes.ini though. If you want to have, say, a winking face put "[Wink Face]" in your name. A full list can be found here. It can also open profiles now http://forums.halomods.com/images/smiles/icon_cool.gif
    UPDATE: No need to follow that table, it now has a list (yey!). I finally got the time converter fully working, or should I say, I finally worked on the time converter http://forums.halomods.com/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif . The picture is also updated.
    UPDATE: Preview support! The file should be /images/hexcode.bmp. There is only one there and it is simple a black box that says example. If you make any, please post them. Also, this comes with the latest codes.ini file (thanks Aequitas).
    UPDATE: A few bug fixes. Will recognize if you open up a zip file or you try to save without opening something first. Also includes latest codes.ini (thanks Aequitas) and images (thanks Aequitas and RadisHASii).
    UPDATE: It signs the files! w00t! Thanks to roofus for the dll calls. This also includes the latest images (thanks RadisHASii)
    UPDATE: The sign bug is fixed. The problem was, if you tried to sign a file with a space in its path name it wouldn't work.
    UPDATE: Sav3r can now preview the emblem as long as you have an active internet connection. Please report error messages as the ocx I used, wininet, will be used more in an upcoming version.

    If you are having problems with wininet download it here and put it in your system32 directory.
    Then click start > run and type in "regsvr32 (system32 path)msinet.ocx". For example, if your system32 directory is c:windowssystem32 (WinXP default) you would type "regsvr32 c:windowssystem32msinet.ocx"



  12. Encryptomatic Signature

    Encryptomatic Signature
    Made by: MonoxideC
    While it remains TF6's policy not to release any of our tools, we considered this one an exception. TF6's very own Iron_Forge has determined the algorithm used to calculate the Encryptomatic Signature that prevents all Halo 2 maps from being modified. MonoxideC has used this information to create this wonderful tool for the public, allowing anyone and everyone to work on maps.



  13. Visual Scenery Mover

    Visual Scenery Mover
    Made by:Prey
    Purpose: Loads the bsp of a map using directx so it can be visually edited
    Defining Feature: Allows you to select and move bsp scenery
    Unfinished: The bsp scenery coll is not re-calculated.. also it is a real *** source code IMO, just copied and pasted loads out of entity until it worked



  14. Menu Menu Menu

    Menu Menu Menu
    By: Prey
    Thanks Goes Out To: My Beta Testers. Shade45 for doing the 'extras' menu first and me only being able to follow by studying his output maps ..the Ch2r Source for having such a great bitmap library, and finally Talin for inadvertly leading me to previewing P8 bumps correctly

    Relink BITM -->

    Hopefully you will find the app self-explanatory enough, there are a few things i would like to quickly go over though:
    Bitmap Relinker
    Every map slot holds an Ident which points to a bitmap tag, it is this bitmap tag that is the map slots preview image. The Bitmap Relinker will simply let you change the Bitmap the map slot is linked to.
    Create New Raw For Bitmap
    Every bitmap tag is linked to raw within the map, the raw is where the actual image is stored. All of the map slots in the mainmenu that are null, may have different bitmap tags, but those tags are all linked to the same raw. So change one and they all change. This function will generate new raw for the selected slot so it has its own individual image http://forums.halomods.com/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif
    While the Ch2r Source does have a great bitmap library, it comes with many flaws in the extract/inject region. So i fiddled and twiddled with it for a little while until i got most of it working http://forums.halomods.com/images/smiles/icon_razz.gif , here is a quick table which lists what extracts properly:

    The empty cells mean i couldnt test for one reason or another, buts its probably safe to say that they dont extract proper either..

    Allows you to add or take away map slots! Woo! Sadly it doesnt work though, ugh crap right? Not my fault though, the app dups/dels perfectly fine, but the default.xbe holds it back and makes you freeze at 100%.. oh well, ill leave the option their incase anyone ever finds a fix... With Update5 these options have been hidden as it has been figured out how to add more slots, and it had nothing to do with the xbe...thus my code is what's wrong. Oh well that's work for another day ;>
    Save All
    Once the app has listed the SP Map slots, they are all stored in memory. Meaning you can edit everything about every listed slot before finally clicking the Save All button. The only way you will lose your changes, is if you dont save and click to view the MP Maps. Whenever you switch between SP and MP slots, the app clears its memory and loads the new slots. Just so you know.

    Net Framework 2.0
    ..is needed, you can get it HERE.
    On Closing...
    Hope you enjoy the application, or at least find use for it http://forums.halomods.com/images/smiles/icon_razz.gif
    Update1: (1.0) 'Create New Raw For Bitmap' option added.
    Update2: (1.0) Small bug fix and unnoticeable improvement.
    Update3: (1.0) Small bug fix.
    Update4: (1.0) Can now Import smaller images, rest of original image is nulled out.
    Update5: (1.1)
    Status label at the bottom will now tell you if selected slot's raw is being used by another slot.
    Major bug with raw adding and bitmap injecting fixed.
    Overall coding improved.




  15. Prophet


    So many of you saw this in the Pictures thread, and again many of you contributed lots of ideas towards this application. So before you get your hopes up, I better get this out of the way now: Pretty much none of those ideas have been implemented. My reason being I have just been too busy with other things >_>
    Anyways moving on to what this application can do
    This application is the single most powerful skinning tool currently out for Halo2. All you do is load up the map, click a wall, tree, ceiling, whatever, and then every piece of geometry using that shader will become highlighted in red. More interestingly and more importantly though, the shader editing panel will come up
    Here you can, as you can see in the above picture, change the shader being used, change the bitmap(s) that the shader is linked to, and import/export/internalise the currently focused bitmap. Note that any changes made will be saved to the map file immediately, and will also be viewable just as quickly in the viewer.

    The Import button is probably one of the best features in this tool, and really sets it apart from other skinning applications. Firstly, it allows for bitmaps that are of different dimensions that the original to be injected (512x512 over a 256x256? No problem ), and secondly it actually allows you to fix the other LOD's of the bitmap tag, if there are any.
    Theres more to it as well, so I would definitely consider reading my tutorial on Skinning with Prophet first before using it. Otherwise you might receive some unexpected results
    Visually speaking there has not been much improvement over what past BSP Viewers have given you. Sorry about that but I'm no pro at DirectX...and I didn't have the time to research the shad, stem, etc. That also means that this application does still rely on tag paths to tell one texture from another...not as much as other viewers do though, but still enough that if you mess them up enough Prophet will read in and display the wrong textures >_< ...but you can go upside down with the camera! What a good trade off eh?
    You might also encounter some other weird errors from time to time, for example the viewer goes a bit awry when viewed without shaders loaded. Just take it in you're stride

    Control Scheme

    W - Forward S - Backward A - Strafe Left D - Strafe Right Q - Up E - Down +/- - Increase/Decrease Camera Speed Left Mouse Click - Select Shader Right Mouse Click + Hold - Rotate Camera

    I'll get the most obvious stuff out of the way here, and also add any questions that are posted in this topic to the list if I deem necessary.
    Q. I can't see the download.
    A. If you can't see the download at the bottom of this post, then you may not be signed in. If you are signed in...I have no clue http://forums.halomods.com/images/smiles/icon_eek.gif
    Q. I'm getting errors about .net framework when I try to open/during the course of the application.
    A. You will need to have .net framework 2.0 or higher installed to be able to use this application properly. You can get the latest HERE.

    Q. I'm getting DirectX(graphic) related/"system.io.filenotfoundexception" errors when I try to open/during the course of the application.
    A. You will need to have the DirectX9 August 2007 runtime or higher installed to be able to use this application properly. You can get the latest HERE.

    Q. I'm getting "Media cannot be found" errors when I try to open/during the course of the application.
    A. make sure the "Media" folder is located right next to the the application, in the same folder.
    Q. I'm getting some weird errors with textures being null (completely white..or blue, sometimes).
    A. Go into Preferences -> External Maps, and make sure all three map paths are valid.
    The camera seems to be acting very sluggish, as does everything else that requires keyboard/mouse input.
    A. Other applications may be interfering with the MsgProc of the app. I got the same thing when I had a MSN convo. open in the background, minimizing it solved the problem.
    I'm using vista and am encountering lots of errors (and none of the above solutions work either).
    The application was not designed for use on vista, sorry. This is the only possible solutions I have found on the matter thus far:
    Zone 117 wrote:

    HPDarkness1 wrote:
    In closing, there is more that can be added to this application, such as spawn viewing, but that will have to be left for future releases, if there ever are any. We will have to see what happens, what with Halo3 soon to be released an' all.
    Specials thanks goes out to Brok3n Halo, and also my Beta testers: Matt, dec123, xzodia, xheadshotmastax, Supermodder911, Dootuz, tftman, -Detox-, kibito87, and whoever else I forgot.



  16. Entity 1.3.9

    Entity 1.3.9
    Hello everyone! You're probably asking youself, "Why Entity 1.3.9?" The reason why I posted Entity 1.3.9 is because Entity 1.3.9 is the latest version of Entity that you'll not experience errors with after you rebuild a map using H2C. For example, if you rebuild a map using H2C then try cloning chunks using another version of Entity, you'll experience tons of errors and end up corrupting your whole map and will have to start modding it all over again. I've also pre-installed all the latest plugins to this very date to save you tons of time! Here is WastingBody's original release post.
    Soldier Of Light

    Entity Authors:
    pokecancer - Programmer, Researcher
    TheTyckoMan - Programmer, Researcher
    Xbox7887 - Researcher, Debugger
    Shalted - Researcher, Programmer
    P8ntballer-Fluffer, Idea Guy
    WastingBody/Prodigy/Punk - Programmers, Come along guys
    Beta Testers:
    Dec1234, AntMan, Trulife, DoorMan, Trepedime, Trigger, HeadShot, whoever else...

    -Opens Halo 1, Halo CE, and Halo 2
    -Real Time Halo(RTH) Xbox7887 and Shalted
    -Sexy Meta Editor The Tycko Man
    -Model Injector/Extractor Pokecancer
    -Library support Pokecancer
    -Inject/Extract Bitmaps Pokecancer
    -BSP Mesh Extract Pokecancer
    -BSP Collision Extraction/Injection Pokecancer
    -BSP Viewer Pokecancer AI spawns by Punk
    -External mainmenu, shared, SP shared, and bitmaps maps WastingBody
    -Tag recursive duplication and regular duplication Pokecancer/A few modifications by WastingBody
    -Proper Chunk Adder Pokecancer
    -PRTM Viewer/Extractor/Injector Pokecancer
    -Tag Building Pokecancer
    -Bitmap Internalization Anthony/WastingBody

    Updated By WastingBody On November 28, 2006:
    -Updated the GUI more
    -Added a startup map option
    -Added Prodigy's go to tag code


    I do not take any credit for Entity 1.3.9 or the latest plugins! I only take credit for pre-installing all the latest plugins to save you time!
    I hope you enjoy!



  17. UberScreenshotTool

    Made by Aequitas
    This is used for downloading screenshots from Yelo. If you do not know what that means please seach "Yelo" on the forums. It is a game trainer that is used with Halo 2 so you may get direct game screenshots.
    So here's my PC companion to go with the trainers.. I try to keep everything in my apps self-explanatory. So just download it and give it a try with the trainers. You'll like it.
    It was tested with XBMC, UnleashX, and EvolutionX and works fine with them.. If you use some other dashboard and UberScreenshotTool� can't grab the raw dumps off your xbox, first verify that the raw dumps are actually there, and then post something and I'll try to get it compatible with that dash's FTP server.

    Version 2.0
    Everything from above still applies.. Lots of internal upgrades, but not much that you'll actually see when you use it. This version requires the .NET 2.0 framework!

    Threaded FTP (reduce hanging and increase overall performance)
    Increased dashboard compatibility
    Precise timestamps
    Lots of other minor changes..



  18. UberBitmapTool

    Made by Aequitas
    I've seen some complaints about "bitmap internalizers" recently and figured I'd post this to relieve some woes. I made it as a private tool about a year ago to help a few select skinners. I never made it public since I assumed there were decent alternatives available (it's a very simple task as far as map editing goes), but apparently not. I've never downloaded any of them to see for myself but I hear bad things about them. Anyways..

    Instructions: The first time you run it, you'll need to find your shared map files by clicking the "..."s at the bottom. Then go to File >> Open Map and find the map in which you want to "internalize" raw bitmap data. It'll only show the tags that have external raw. Find the tag you want and double click on it. It'll do its thing then remove the tag from the list. Tada!
    EDIT: I guess I should specify that you need the 2.0 .NET Framework to run it.



  19. Cloned Reflexive Fixer

    Cloned Reflexive Fixer Version 1.0.0
    Used to fix cloned spawning reflexives in the scenario tag (Scenery, biped, machine, control, crate, ect).
    Designed to solve problems with SLC of cloned placements.
    Made by JacksonCougAr
    Version 1.0.0
    Press the "Create new UIDs" button to re-generate values in the scenario meta.
    Options to select particular reflexives to fix are not enabled in this release.
    All reflexives are fixed in this release by default.

    Thanks to Neodos, I would not have made this without you
    Thanks to Prey, who tried to help fix my bug, and helped explain some things to me. Taking time out of his schedule to lend a hand.
    Thanks to Xzodia for his plugin witch caused the bug to occur in the first place, but on a more serious note I couldn't have made this without your plugin, or your libraries http://forums.halomods.com/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif
    Thanks to Supermodder911, who as usual found the time to help answer my questions, and fixed the afore-mentioned bug http://forums.halomods.com/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif
    Thanks to all others as well!



  20. HUD Coordinates Finder

    Made by DarkShallFall & Detox
    This application was made for locating coordinates on a screen for HUD placement.
    I want to give a special thanks to Detox for all his help and support. He's the best person I've met here so far. Thanks Bro.
    I would also like to thank Darkmetal and SuperModder for helping me figure out some things. Thanks guys.
    Here is a screen shot and I hope you guys enjoy.

    HUD Placement notes for those of you who may want to make a program like this someday:

    Crosshair: Right X 270 Left X -338 Top Y -298 Bottom Y 150 Health and shield: Right X 0 Left X -608 Top Y -50 ybot: 396 Motion Sensor: Right X 545 Left X -65 Top Y -460 Bottom Y -10 Scoreboard: Right X o Left X -608 Top Y -460 Bottom Y -12 Weapon Hud: Right X 543 Left X -65 Top Y -52 Bottom Y 396
    Im going to be making a tutorial now and release it to night for those of you that are amateur at HUD and those of you who don't know anything at all about HUD. Thx,



  21. HUD Editor

    Made by DarkShallFall & DeToX
    Please note that the application wasn't finish and is discontinued.

    Application Pictures:

    Results of edits:




  22. ADI

    Made by The Swamp Fox
    -Model injection/extraction
    -Basic map editor features



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