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Hello everybody. Recently I've been observing Ibotmodz. I've been seeing the site has died. Well I have an idea. Three sites linked together like friends. Like they would still be different sites just working as a team. These three sites would be Ibotmodz, Team Binary, and Team Hex. Now you have not heard of Team Hex but it's my and Dr. Cakeys knew site. Maybe somehow if we link these sites together we can get them more active. Currently Team Hex is running on phpbb but we intend on running IPB. On Team Hex I am known as Hexanator and Cakey is known as DeadlyHex. But before we link them I'm gonna do a peaches thing right now. Guys I want your ideas before we do anything. I'm not advertising at this moment. My site has no Halo 3 modding.


Links(not advertising. remove if you want):




Posted (edited)

Actually, this site isn't dead, it's quite the controversy.


Great members are coming back (Mel and Leg)


and new members are actually sticking instead of asking '4 teh rec0nz'.


Although the site is slow, it is far from dead.

Edited by Fatal Error
  Fatal Error said:
Actually, this site isn't dead, it's quite the controversy.


Great members are coming back (Mel and Leg)


and new members are actually sticking instead of asking '4 teh rec0nz'.


Although the site is slow, it is far from dead.


^ :rolleyes: :p


I couldn't have said it better dude.





Lets be honest, Your not exactly the best when it comes to running a site not one of your attempts have made over 100 members so what makes you think by doing it your going to be bringing members to ibots, maybe this is actually and attempt to get members to your site through ibot's?


These are just questions i am not expecting indecent language or retaliation from anyone.

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