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Ok I know I am not on the list. If you haven't noticed I'm usually on this site from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m.. Personally I think me and Eli should be Moderators.


Reasons Why.

1. Currently I run a IPB board with a .com.

2. I provide programs and tutorials with the community.

3. I'm really active.

4. I've been on this site for six months.

5. That's more than most of the people that are running.

6. I have responsibility and the actions to take care of a growing and awesome site.

7. I help the community a lot with all my lists in the VIP section.

8. By being moderator I would make the community more safe.

9. I would also stay active.

10. Why not vote for me.


Reasons Eli should be moderator.

1. He's a great friend and he provides us with so much.

2. He helps this site a lot.



There's many other reasons. But I'm telling you by voting for us we will make this site grow and never end. We will make this site a community a very large community with no flaming. Protection will be at it's top with us.






Posted (edited)

No offence, last time anyone slightly offended you, you left the site.


And its all .eli.

*in my eyes* We are the predominent runners(Me and .Eli) cause him and I are most active VIP nominees.


.Eli have a heavier lead.



Edited by Decatur
  Decatur said:
ahh, but what happens till you get the position?


I dont wanna sound like a dick but what are u trying to prove decatur is it bc your not gonna get mod? I think .Eli should really get it but khao to.. They know about ipb alot more than you or me

Posted (edited)
  Decatur said:
*in my eyes* We are the predominent runners(Me and .Eli) cause him and I are most active VIP nominees.



What the @#%$ have I been doing sitting in a corner playing with my dick.



I dont want to be a mod but a littel recognition would be nice

Edited by GMOF Slidell♥
  GMOF Slidell♥ said:
What the @#%$ have I been doing sitting in a corner playing with my dick.



I dont want to be a mod but a littel recognition would be nice

I dont wanna be a mod but thats the facts.


Im going to follow your lead.


I might run for it next position, in like 2k members.

I'll be here.



The only one who deserves this mod spot is .ELI

  iBotPeaches said:
I sat in the chatbox for 3 hours, asking for people interested. Sorry you didn't catch it.



Its fine but i just want people to relize that i do stuff.


Anyway I wouldnt make a go mod yet...

ok this is why i dislike this place. its taken way to seriously (in my mind) its like a cult or something. but whatever, i honestly dont see how a blue name an the ability to clean up the forum is something to fight over. maybe if you where being paid or rewarded or something. maybe im just greedy or heartless, but in my mind i could find something much better to do with my time. no offense to anyone just thought id share.
  GMOF Slidell♥ said:
subs for global mod anyone anyone ?


im not sure if your serious or not, but good luck with that. 10% of the people hate me (so most of the active members) 30% tolerate me, an the rest have no idea who i am. also i dont want the job. if you guys want it you can fight all you want but i think its stupid. have fun.

Posted (edited)

This is MY personal opinion. So dont like b**** at it


Eli i think in some ways you do deserve mod. You do alot for the site and i thank you.


But (uh oh) you just go ahead and do that one ass hole thing that makes everyone kinda hate you. Like if your mod you cannot have ANYMORE of these fits when posting topic about hacking people and breaking people routers if you get there ip. YOU CANT. Because the thing is if your mod you can look at peoples ip's so i am not sure if i can trust you, because your having theses incidences like once a week.


So you need to prove to me and to alot of members of ibotmodz that you will not ip flood them, hack them or what ever. Like if one of are mods were to have a disagreement with someone and all asudden get there ip and flood it that would not be acceptable. And you seem to threaten to do stuff like this to alot of people.


a couple of suggestions.

dont be so serious about the internet

just dont threaten to "hack" people and crap like that

-then your basically good as long if your not an @ssH#$%.


So bottom line i think you need to stop doing that stuff to become mod. For the safety of the members of the site. But that's my personal opinion.



Edited by Xx Legacy xX

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