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BSP Master+ BSP Scenery Editor


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iBotPeaches did not make this program




Well, it's about time to release this program right? Wrong, it's in the middle of the night, what am I doing? Ah well, it's still gonna get released one way or another . So, BSP Master, it is what it sounds like, with a little extra frosting on top, although some things have been removed other things have been added . This is about as much as you're gonna get from me on BSP related programs until somebody gets more information on it.

BSP Master, altough only designed for editing maps slightly, will allow you to edit the map's collision and mesh together, although with some limitations . One being that the mesh can not be moved horizontally, only vertically and vertically in depth (Y and Z), so bummer, but oh well, this program just didn't want to do that for me, froze the map every time. Anyway, enough of the disadvantages, on with the what the program was created for.

So if you haven't seen Collision Editor, you need to go check that one out now, because this program was based upon the foundations of my last one (Collision Editor). With the added features of direct map editing of collision and mesh, zoom in works correctly now, point editor has syntax coloring so you don't mess up, and much more!

3 Draw Types: Collision, Mesh, and Both

6 Draw Modes: Depth, Sketch, Overlay, Area, Artistic Circles, Labels

A Whole Lot Of: Different possible mesh changes you can make in one single map




Included is one really awesome feature that could very well be a program in itself, this is none other, than the team color changer. (Thanks to shade45's plugin) Simply load the map in the advanced window, and all the team colors will display in individual boxes, click on them to change them. When you save the map, it will save the team colors as well. Very useful if insolence is incompatible with the map you're trying to open. This works for every map, as well as the main menu, if you don't believe me, check it out for yourself, then go use it!



Well, although I know you all truly love my extremely long descriptions , I really don't have much more to say about this program, so, check the preview page if you want more info and pictures, download it below, post on it (because I know all you freeloaders out there got somethin' to say about this program ), and after you do all that, use the program for whatever you need, and then post like 5 more times!! Now, if you can handle all these links, then you are truly ready to download this program.




Here is a little app i made that lets you have some fun with bsp scenery. Incase you dont know what bsp scenery is its the items in maps you can never find tags for. Like the crashed ship in dune and the cranes in headlong.


Im pretty sure pokecancer will have all of this available in the next version of entity's bsp viewer but untill then you can play around with this app.




- Edit the XYZ co-ordinates of bsp scenery

- Can increase or decreas the size of bsp scenery models

- Display the raw offset and other information about the bsp scenery models


















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