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Posted (edited)

But I'm stuck on 2 options, Its being uploaded to youtube as we speak, but its 15 mins long so I'm not sure if Youtube will accept my video but we'll see. the other option is I give you the download link to the video, its being uploaded too. So do you guys want the link or youtube link?


I'll Update this topic when its finished uploading either one. I expect good comments, but I've a feelin that I didn't put effort on the film but did good effort of the story so far, i guess. So I guess wait till I finished uploading then I'll give you guys the links, thx for tuning in to SVE.




Ps: my trailer is here:


UPDATE: DL Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FWZ3LHO0


UPDATE: Video Link: http://www.machinima.com/film/view&id=29974

Also, I want my video on Machinima's youtube page. Please comment good on my video in the video link and rate my video too. Thanks guys.

Edited by StevenSVE♥
Posted (edited)

It will be finished in 5 mins and I'll tell you want I think of it.



What I think:

OMG, I lol'ed when they started acting like chickens

The white elite voice actor needs a better mic

Loved the ending.

Some parts where slow and seemed a bit boring.

Edited by SmokiestGrunl
  SmokiestGrunl said:
It will be finished in 5 mins and I'll tell you want I think of it.



What I think:

OMG, I lol'ed when they started acting like chickens

The white elite voice actor needs a better mic

Loved the ending.

Some parts where slow and seemed a bit boring.


Someone finally fully understands what the video is.

Response to your opinions:

The chickens, I thought it sucked but I guess they were good due to your comment.

I know, My TVs on while Doogle was doin his voice, thats y there was static in there.

Thank you for the ending scene being soooo good :)

I know, I didn't want to fix them because you guys would be like, "WHERE THE @#%$ IS SVE eh?"


Thanks for reviewing it, smoke.


this is a very good machinima well done. :)


Thing that i like:

it was very funny

sound and video word to gather well.



things that could be improved:

well not much but it was a bit long but i guess thats ok :)

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