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Add Music To The Warthogs Driver Seat Tut

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*TUT: Add Music to Warthog Driver Seat*





A map resigner

Halo Sound Tools

Sony Sound Forge 8



Step 1: Open your music file in Sound Forge. We will be swapping your sound in for the main menu music which is in 4 parts. You will have to split your sound into 4 parts that are the same length as the main menu parts.

Part 1: 56 seconds

Part 2: 35 seconds

Part 3: 1 min 15 sec

Part 4: 2min 29 sec




Step 2: Save all four parts as Windows Media Audio V9 type files. Save them somewhere you will remember, and in order from beginning to end.


Step 3: Open your map in Halo Sound Tools and scroll down to sound\ui\main_menu_music\menu_music\loop and click internalize. Once thatâs finishes click inject, and inject your files in order. Once you finish that close the map.




Step 4: Open your map in Dothalo, and scroll down to the sound tab snd!(thankyou to nitemare14 for pointing out my mistake) Highlight sound\vehicles\warthog\new_warthog_left\new_wartho g_left (or right) and change sound\vehicles\warthog\new_warthog_left\track1\loo p to sound\ui\main_menu_music\menu_music\loop. Click save changes and close out of that.




Step 5: Open up your resigner, open your map and resign it.




Step 6: Move your map back to your box however you want, and when you hop in the hog it should play your music

  • 2 months later...
  blacklabelfosho said:
quick question, does anyone have sound forge? i really need it.


not for this particular tut, but i actually need it.

Yes i have sound forge i can get if for u if u want just pm me when u have seen this reply

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